See Your Eternal Impact on Orphans and Vulnerable Kids This Year

As we reflect on another year of ministry, we want to thank you.
You’re making an eternal impact.
You’re making an eternal impact.
As you’ll see below, you’ve adopted, cared for, and given generously, making it possible for orphans to be seen, known, and loved.
We recently put together an Annual Impact Report filled with stories and examples of what God has done over the past twelve months through you. We invite you to spend some time with these stores and remember just how precious each one of these children is to God, our Father.
Thank you for supporting them and for joining us in prayer.
Here are some highlights:
Orphans are finding families.
Since 2002, we’ve helped support the adoptions of 10,614 children. Over the past year, we’ve continued to see strong movement of Christian families pursuing adoption.
So our team comes alongside families to remove the financial hurdle of adoption, through matching grants, interest-free loans, crowdfunding, and fundraising support.
Families are being supported.
Adoption is a beautiful beginning, but the real journey starts once a child is welcomed home.
We’re committed to continuing the post-adoption journey with adoptive families by offering financial assistance for counseling (for the child and/or family members), continued training, trauma care, or other important interventions and supports to help families heal and thrive.
Orphans are becoming leaders.
We partner with local ministry leaders to bring holistic, Gospel-centered care to orphaned and vulnerable children and their communities. By God’s grace, our goal is for every child we serve to be taught the Gospel, receive holistic care, access quality education, and experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living. This is eternal impact.
Today, with your help, we are serving 10,644 orphaned and vulnerable children with holistic, Gospel-centered care in over 15 countries.
Additionally, during this past year, God has made a way for—
- 24 ministry sites around the globe
- 1,949 ministry staff and volunteers
- 1,754 children reunified and families preserved
- 3,790,000 meals served

Orphans are being reached during war.
Even before Russia invaded Ukraine, an estimated 250 children entered the orphanage system daily. Now, the war has uprooted millions of children, creating new orphans every day.
Since 2011, Lifesong Ukraine has helped over 300 children become adopted by Ukrainian Christian families.
This year, you helped Christian families in Ukraine, Ethiopia, and Guatemala adopt more than 50 children.

Vulnerable women are receiving help.
Together with like-minded advocates, we launched an initiative called My Life, My Gift; to engage women who are pregnant, overwhelmed, and reaching out for help.
This site tells the true stories of women with unexpected pregnancies who have chosen abortion, adoption, and parenting, in hopes that women would choose life for their babies.
Since My Life My Gift; launched in August—
- 269,754 views on the website
- 18,223 quizzes completed helping to humanize the baby
- 6,733 conversations with options coaches
Children are being sponsored.
Today, Lifesong sponsorships reach children around the world.
The specific situation of each child is different, but child sponsorships help ensure that a child’s basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education are being met.
Most importantly, each child is taught the Gospel and learns to live as a follower of Jesus Christ. Sponsorship makes an eternal impact.
Sustainable business is fueling mission.
The communities we serve have few job opportunities and devastating unemployment rates. This problem cannot be solved by merely giving handouts. Significant job creation helps break the cycle of poverty for vulnerable families—keeping families together and preventing children from becoming orphans.
Sustainable businesses, such as farms in Zambia, generate revenue to fund global orphan care ministries. Lifesong Farms has spent the past six years learning new technology and developing cutting-edge techniques to extend the growing season and lead the way in selling high-quality produce year-round.

These are just a few of the powerful ways God has used you this year to reach orphans and vulnerable children around the world.
In other words,
You are making an eternal difference.
One more child adopted, one more child safe, one more prayer prayed, one more gift given really does have an impact. And this year, we’ve witnessed countless examples where your dedication and support have changed the lives of orphans and vulnerable children forever.
From providing safe homes and loving families to ensuring access to Gospel-centered education and healthy meals, to offering life-changing discipleship and Godly mentoring—your contributions have made a tangible difference.
Each act of kindness, every donation, and all your prayers have created ripples of deep joy and eternal purpose.
Thank you for believing with us that every child should be seen, known, and loved.
Give to help orphans know they are seen, known, and loved.
100% of your gift to Lifesong directly helps children in need. TMG Foundation and key partners cover our fundraising and administrative costs, so your entire gift goes where you want it to go.