Developing Future Leaders in Zambia | Meet James

9 years old when his parents separated,
James and his five siblings were then raised by their mother.
Nearly all students at Lifesong Harmony School—including James—live in the Chipata Compound near Kitwe, Zambia.
The majority of people living in the compound do not have running water or electricity, and they struggle to find or maintain sustainable employment.
Addictions and abuse are common, resulting in many unsafe living conditions.
Many kids in the compound don’t have the chance to pursue education due to financial constraints.
James’ mother recognized the importance of school,
yet she couldn’t afford to pay the fees required at government institutions. Many days, it was a struggle to feed her 6 kids.
School seemed out of the question.
Today, he’s in Grade 9 at Lifesong Harmony School, learning English, science, math, and social studies. After school, he participates in choir or Bible club, and he enjoys his friends and homework.

James plans to become a doctor to help his neighbors and family in the compound.
“Before Lifesong, I never thought about my future. It’s a miracle I’m here, by the grace of God.”
Seeing our students become passionate about a career goal is a rewarding reminder of why we believe a good, fee-free education is a vital aspect of caring for the vulnerable.
Through education, children are able to unlock sustainable opportunities for a successful future and break cycles of poverty that have often existed for generations.
Even more exciting? Through our schools, we have the opportunity to share the Gospel with each student who attends. James is one of many students who placed his faith and trust in Jesus Christ and is joyfully pursuing discipleship and a devotional life.
Because of people like you who support the work happening in Zambia, we get to testify of the miracles God is accomplishing in the lives of students like James.
This Christmas, you can reach orphaned & vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
It only takes one caring person to help one child in need. By partnering with Lifesong, you reach orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
We invite you to join where God is so clearly working. When you give to Lifesong by December 31, 2022, your gift is matched up to $1,600,000—making twice the impact. As always, 100% of your gift directly helps children in need.
Together, with God’s help, we can make a difference.
Your gift helps fund Christian adoptions, support Gospel-centered ministries globally, and fuel sustainable business development.
Your generous gift this Christmas shows orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen. Together, let’s continue reaching children in need with the Gospel!