A Message of Hope from Bolivia

Christmas is a time when we can be filled with hope despite our circumstances.
We are reminded that God is with us and the Savior of the world brings everlasting life to His children, who He loves so much.
With this in mind, please enjoy Christmas greetings from the children you support in Bolivia. When you sponsor a child in Bolivia, these children receive care through our partner ministry, Fundación Esperanza.
Four seniors are celebrating graduation.
As the school year comes to a close in Bolivia, the top male and female graduating students in their classes are recognized with a financial reward in light of their hard work.
This year, an ambitious young man, Jose Luis, was recognized out of a class of 42 students.
A ministry partner shares—
“Not only did Jose Luis graduate at the top of his class, but he completed his military service concurrently during the school year. We are so proud of Jose Luis and his accomplishments.”
Jose Luis plans to study medicine beginning in February 2023.
After graduation, young adults continue to receive support.
They are surrounded by a reliable support system as they transition out of direct care. Young women in the program are provided with housing, and young men receive rental assistance.
You are invited to have hope
as we celebrate the coming of Jesus! God is at work in the lives of young people like Jose Luis, and you, too can be part of the work God is doing, bringing hope to the nations, until Jesus comes again.
This Christmas, you can reach orphaned & vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
It only takes one caring person to help one child in need. By partnering with Lifesong, you reach orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
As always, 100% of your gift directly helps children in need.
Together, with God’s help, we can make a difference. Your generous gift this Christmas shows orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen.