Redjina Asked God for One Thing.
Prior to learning about Lifesong, Redjina was taking an exam at her school,
when a school official came and took her paper, telling her to leave and not come back until she paid her school fees.
In Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, it’s not uncommon for students to be denied education when they can’t pay for it.
Unfortunately, with eight children in the family, Redjina’s family couldn’t pay. So Redjina’s prayer was simple.
“I asked God to make a way so I can go to school. If I don’t go to school, I won’t be successful in life.”
Redjina shares the unexpected way God answered her prayer here. Take a look—
For many people in Haiti, education is just a dream.
Less than 30% of students reach 6th grade.
20% of eligible-age students go to secondary school.
47.1% of Haitians are illiterate.
Further, not being able to attend school is a huge disadvantage for girls. Not only does a lack of education mean girls will likely experience a life of menial labor, but they are also more vulnerable to physical and sexual abuse.
Girls who can finish secondary school and delay marriage until adulthood often escape the worst conditions.
Redjina was right. She needed an education.
The problem?—More than 80% of schools in Haiti are private schools, meaning students must pay their own way or stop attending.
And as one journalist put it, “Even minimal tuition is a big expense in a country where many people live on $1 or $2 per day; tuition can take as much as 40% of a family’s income at the best of times.”
Lifesong Christian School in Bercy began in 2017.
It specifically began because, for kids in Haiti—
- There’s a 50% chance they don’t attend school regularly.
- Tuition is the #1 barrier to their education.
- Schools are overcrowded and under-resourced.
In the face of these and other complex realities, the staff in Haiti has reached over 1,000 orphaned and vulnerable children with holistic care, education, and—most importantly—the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So Lifesong Christian School—made possible by dedicated school staff and faithful givers like you—is a direct answer to prayer.
During these last five years, over 200 students like Redjina have walked through the doors at Lifesong Christian School.
Our students at Lifesong Christian School range from 7th to 13th grade. Each one receives all necessary learning materials, quality instruction from qualified teachers, medical care, daily meals, and discipleship—all at no cost to them or their families.
It has been our joy to watch them grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.
What God is doing
Prior to coming to Lifesong—when Redjina still attended the school in her community—she walked to school and was late most of the time. Unfortunately, this meant she was whipped for being late and for not finishing her homework.
But things would still get worse before they got better.
When a teacher invited Redjina to attend Lifesong Christian School, she quickly accepted. After enrolling, her family’s economic situation worsened, and Redjina and her siblings would go days without eating.
Redjina moved onto the Lifesong campus into one of the Family Life Residences. 32 of our students live on campus in this family-style environment with scheduled spiritual time, academic support, and household responsibilities.

Today she knows she is loved—by God, by her teachers and classmates, and by people like you who give to make her education possible. She is learning about God, attending church, and spending time daily in devotions. In Redjina’s words—
“I have learned that God can do all things.”
Your part in this story
Redjina asked God for one thing: the opportunity to go to school. Today, Redjina is 17 years old and in Grade 11. When she graduates, she hopes to become a lawyer, a nurse, or a dentist.
And we’ll cheer her on regardless of which path she picks. We believe her future is bright.
Being at Lifesong Christian School is a direct answer to her prayer. Now she does not need to worry about food, shelter, clothes, or school.
And that’s because people like you care about kids like Redjina.
When we reach one vulnerable student in Haiti, we change the trajectory of generations of students behind her.
Thank you for being an important part of this story and a direct answer to Redjina’s prayer.