Two Weeks of Invasion: Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Going

On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

This invasion directly impacted Lifesong Ukraine’s hundreds of staff and thousands of children.

It’s now been two weeks since war broke out. Yet our team continues to report the incredible goodness of God even during this devastating time.

Don’t miss this important recap of what’s happening in Ukraine.



It began with tanks and military trucks driving through narrow streets.

Then air raid sirens. Finally, news broke with the announcement the world dreaded: Russia was invading Ukraine.

Our team jumped to action to move their families, children in transition homes, and any permitted from orphanages to safer rural areas. Meanwhile, those who weren’t able to evacuate took shelter in basements and bomb shelters.

As Russian forces pushed further into Chernigov and Kharkiv, near our team’s ministry sites, our team leaders enacted a plan.

For the last 20 years, Lifesong Ukraine has brought holistic, Gospel-centered care to orphaned and vulnerable children and families across Ukraine. Our team partners with State-run orphanages to reach children with after-school programs, day centers, camps, job skills training, and transition homes. We also support crisis families, encourage local adoption efforts, and develop businesses to create jobs and help the ministry become self-sustaining.

While orphaned and vulnerable children remain at the forefront of our ministry, most of these traditional ministry avenues are completely shut off. So our team is pivoting and refocusing to continue bringing Gospel-centered care to the most vulnerable in Ukraine, shifting to three main areas: security, evacuation, service.


Ukraine Invasion



We’re securing our sites and ministry locations.

We’re doing everything possible to ensure our sites—and more importantly, the people we serve—are adequately protected, supplied, and safe.

By the grace of God, Denis, Director of Lifesong Ukraine, shares—

“All of the kids whom we serve have been evacuated, and none of those children are in danger.”


Ukraine Invasion



We’re evacuating from all combat zones to western parts of Ukraine where it’s safer.

Even while Chernigov and Kharkiv lie in ruins—two cities that are home and mission fields for many of our staff members—the team is voluntarily risking their lives to continue meeting needs in and around hot zones.

Each day, our team is evacuating over 100 people from combat zones to more secure locations in the west. Their main focus involves making the dangerous drive back and forth across Ukraine—evacuating civilians west and taking critical resources back east.

Our team is also working with our long-standing, trusted partners in Poland to set up a refugee care facility for displaced Ukrainians. We anticipate more news and partnership coming from Poland in the days ahead.

Over 1.5 million Ukrainians have entered Poland at this point, and we want to do our part in helping our people integrate, both temporarily and permanently for those who stay.


Ukraine Invasion



We’re going into cities to serve people with food, medication, water, and fuel.

Even as Ukraine continues to report empty grocery store shelves, power sources being shut off, and running water being limited, God continues to provide—through people like you—for our team to deliver much-needed items.

Many people in Ukraine live without enough resources to buy food for even a few days at a time. Now that they have lost their source of income, they can’t even buy food for a day.

At-risk families are desperate. Those who do have food try to share until there is none for anyone. Those who have homes welcome the refugees inside. Our aid is critical.

Ukraine Invasion

So each day—as the invasion continues—our team is delivering water, food, toiletries, medicine, basic clothing, and fuel to more than 1,000 people across four different locations in the east.

“This is when we share the gospel without words. Just acts. This is what develops trust and relationships to the highest possible level. The good Samaritan story at work.”


“We have a great network of volunteers.”

On one hand, we see the brutal tactics of an unprovoked war.
On the other hand, we see the heroic efforts of volunteers staying behind.

Our team in Ukraine includes volunteers from local churches—who have stayed in the cities despite countless sleepless nights and ongoing air raid sirens to serve the people left behind.

These volunteers have been a crucial part of our team in Ukraine for many years and are currently shifting and expanding our ministry to best meet the needs in and surrounding Ukraine during this invasion.

Our team is constantly assessing needs and delivering food and medical supplies.

Words can’t express the admiration we have for our courageous staff and church volunteers on the front lines identifying needs and carrying out this distribution. 


“We see God’s hand.”

As the invasion continues, the number of displaced people continues to rise, and with it, the number of people who are in need.

In the words of Denis, Director of Lifesong Ukraine—

In times like this, which are extremely painful, we see God’s hand in all of this, every day, every minute. There are so many different miracles happening, whether it’s infrastructure, whether it’s vehicles, whether it’s some other things, or how we are supernaturally protected in all these areas where we are serving. It’s just amazing. And we pray that by His grace, this madness will end soon.

Our team in Ukraine—including the kids, families, and volunteers—want to thank you for your prayer and support on their behalf. They feel it across the ocean.

We remain confident that God will supply strength. He will continue to provide much-needed support and supplies through people like you.



You can join where God is working.

At times like this, it’s hard to think any one of us can make a difference. But together, we can make an impact.

You can send critical support to children and families in Ukraine, and it will reach people in need this difficult time.

Today, your gift of any amount will:

Only God can ultimately bring this difficult invasion to an end, but in the meantime, He can use people like you to reach the most vulnerable children and families left in Ukraine.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support for the people of Ukraine.



Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, all of our fundraising and administrative costs are covered. 100% of your gift will directly support vulnerable children and families in Ukraine.