What Is Chantou’s Hope?
Thank you for loving and supporting our kids in Cambodia & Thailand through child sponsorships, giving, and praying. You’re making a difference in the lives of kids like Chantou. Here’s her story.
Our children’s home in Takeo, Cambodia, is home to 35 kids. Including *Chantou.
Over 30 years of political and civil unrest has left Cambodia one of the poorest, most vulnerable countries in the world. Nearly 600,000 children have been orphaned due to AIDS, malnutrition, or poverty. Now the country—like the rest of the world—is dealing with the devastating effects of COVID-19.
So our students have become family to each other.
Since April, schools have been closed due to COVID-19. There are many families in Takeo and the nearby villages that have lost their jobs and have needed support. With the support and prayer of people like you, our Khmer leaders have been able to use their weekly Gospel outreach events to share food and resources with those who need it most. Our leaders and older students have also used this opportunity to reach the community by teaching lessons every day while the schools are closed.
Meeting the physical needs of families in the community over the last 4 months has allowed our leaders to build strong relationships with people in the community. Their hearts have been softened to the Gospel message, and more families than ever are coming to church and Bible study programs. We praise God for 40 kids from the community who are now coming to Sunday School to learn about Jesus!
*Name changed to protect privacy.
Chantou’s Story
Chantou is one of our newest students at the children’s home. She used to live in Phnom Phen, the capital of Cambodia. In 2019, her parents became unable to care for her, so she moved in with her aunt and uncle. They live in extreme poverty, and since they lacked the money needed to take care of her, they decided to sell Chantou.
By God’s grace, Chantou’s grandma found out about their plan and took her in. Although she does not have the ability to care for Chantou, she heard about Pastor Moony and our children’s home in Takeo.
Now Chantou lives at the children’s home in Takeo where she is safe and loved. She knows Jesus loves her and she eagerly studies her Bible every morning. Chantou is able to receive an education, play with her friends, and dream about her future.
She is full of the joy of the Lord. Praise God!

Without the support of people like you, Lifesong would not exist in Cambodia and children like Chantou might not have the opportunity to be cared for in a safe place or shown the love of Jesus.
What Is Chantou’s Hope? Her hope is Jesus, and you help make it possible for her to know and love Him. Thank you for being an important part of this ministry and stories like Chantou’s.
Please pray for continued protection for our local leaders and our children as they continue to put faith over fear and extend the hand of Christ to those most vulnerable during this time of need.