Heartbreak and Hope in Bolivia
Thank you for praying for our kids in Bolivia to have hope in times of uncertainty. Recently, the Bolivia government announced an extension of national quarantine measures through July 31, 2020, in order to mitigate the spread of the virus. Despite the ongoing quarantine, God is working.
Here’s an recent update from our team—
COVID-19 continues to impact our daily lives, the ministry, our community, and people we love.
Since our last update in April, we’ve continued to adapt to doing ministry mostly from home.
While we greatly miss being able to be present in the children’s homes daily, the reality of this virus in Bolivia is harsh, and so we recognize that it is safest for us to continue connecting with the kids virtually at this time.

The Ongoing Impact of COVID-19
What we are seeing here in Bolivia is heartbreaking. The hospitals are overrun, cemeteries are full, and pharmacies are running out of medication. Daily, people are dying in the streets as they try to find a hospital with space to treat them. Due to the strict quarantine measures, most people are unable to work, meaning poverty and hunger are on the rise.
We often have people knocking on the door in search of food. To add chaos to the health crisis, political conflict has begun again with elections in the near future. People have begun protesting and creating road blocks, preventing the trash trucks from collecting trash. Others have blocked off the cemetery not allowing burials of those that have died of COVID-19.
Please pray that God would have mercy on Bolivia so that we do not have to face another political crisis, especially during a pandemic.
The Ongoing Goodness of God
Despite the hardships, God has been giving us hope. Specifically, He has provided ways for us to minister to the kids and people of Bolivia.
We have been able to continue our Bible studies with the children int he homes over video calls. We still use the flannelgraph with the younger boys and they love it because now they get to “see on T.V.” Thanks to the generosity of many people like you, we have been able to start a small food pantry that provides food for the kids and young adults that are no longer in our care. Imagine the hope we can share with people when we give them food to take home to their families.
We feel so blessed to have enough extra food on hand that we are able to give to anyone who knocks on the door.
Even though daily life has changed for all of us, we continue to look for ways to make sure the kids know they are safe and loved.

We want each child to know how special they are, so celebrating birthdays is a big deal! One of the children in our care, Yasil, turned 8 at the end of May and is on a strict diet due to some health challenges. Last year, she received a cake that was made with her dietary restrictions in mind, and this year she was looking forward to receiving another one. Specifically, she hoped for a princess cake.
Regardless of quarantine, we found a way to make and deliver a princess cake. The best part was the opportunity we had to remind her that she truly is a special princess because she is a daughter of the King!
Never underestimate what God can do through your prayers and support. You are an important part of our ministry in Bolivia. Thank you!