Look What’s Happening in Uganda!
Reaching orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda is long-term work, and it’s only made possible because of people like you who care. So thank you for your support. Enjoy this update from our teammate, Michelle Dropp—
God is doing big things in Uganda.
“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. ‘For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; upon him he has set the world.’ ” (1 Samuel 2:8)
It’s been an exciting time here in Uganda. We recently moved our street boys ministry from a location in town to the ministry property in the nearby village of Mbira. We purchased this land specifically so the boys can have a safe environment, master a trade, and learn English—all of which contributes directly to their future.
There is also room for projects (like raising pigs or chickens) that can help fund the ministry to become a more self-sustaining work.
Those of us who help care for the children here in Uganda recently went to training in Nairobi, and we now have more tools for moving forward with helping street boys reunify with their family (whether that be immediate, kinship care, or foster care).
Since we believe every child deserves the love of a family, we’re excited to be part of their reunification whenever possible.

Meet Frank
Frank, age 15, is one of the first boys we welcomed into the ministry a year ago, and we’re in awe of what God is doing in his life. His laugh is utterly infectious, and it’s such a blessing to watch him grow and learn. He has accepted Christ, and he’s now learning English. He will attend school in a teacher-assistant role in this upcoming term. We are also looking to enroll him into a trade school so he will learn additional, employable skills for his future.
He would like to become a caterer since he loves to cook!
We are now able and willing to bring 2 or 3 more boys into the ministry to help them find family, education, and unconditional love.
Kids Helping Kids Get to Jesus
As for the girls in our ministry, the older girls have been discipling the younger ones this term. At the start of the term we split the “littles” up and assigned them a “big” to teach them more in depth about Jesus. It’s been going very well, and it’s been exciting to watch the girls serving, learning, and asking questions. There have been a lot of deep discussions, questions, and “aha” moments as they learn more about Jesus.
God continues to work in the lives of the children we’re privileged to serve. Thank you for being an important part of this ministry and these lives.
Sponsor a child. Change a life.
27 children from Uganda are waiting for a sponsor!
We don’t just want to reach more orphans and vulnerable kids. We want to reach them more deeply. This means providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel and become future leaders in their communities. Your sponsorship is vital to this!
Visit our website to see profiles of children in need of sponsors, or our FAQ page to learn more. Feel free to contact sponsorship@lifesong.org with any additional questions!