Lifesong Blog

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A Birth Mother’s Hopes

According to the Adoption Network, 60 to 70 percent of domestic adoptions today are open. Open adoptions allow biological parents to participate in choosing their child's adoptive parents and gives them the opportunity to stay in contact with their child post-adoption. The relationship between biological and adoptive parents can…

Life as a Single Foster Mom

Foster parenting is good, but hard. Foster parenting as a single parent can be even harder, but it can also be very good. Earlier this year, Jillian Kellenberger—a fellow teammate at The Forgotten Initiative, Lifesong's foster care ministry—stepped out in faith and became a single foster parent. Here's what she…

Your Church Can Help Foster and Adoptive Families. Here’s How.

In your church, families who are fostering and adopting need your help. Here at Lifesong, we take seriously our responsibility—and privilege—to encourage churches and church leadership like yours to get involved, and to equip church members to reach children and families in need. Jason Johnson, Director of Church…