Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Anita began caring for her two grandchildren after her daughter left. With no resources, she struggled daily to provide food, shelter, and education. Determined to give them a better future, Anita worked tirelessly, doing odd jobs for her neighbors to make ends meet. Though she did everything she…
Delores* and Roberto* work hard to attain skills that help them live independent lives. As children, they were abandoned by their parents, and as is often the case, they moved from orphanage to orphanage. Finally, in 2015, they were placed in the care of our team. At Lifesong,…
The children of migrant families in Thailand often feel forgotten. They go without food and shelter, lacking safety and hope for the future. When Joseph was 8 years old, his family became migrants, moving from Cambodia to Thailand to work in construction. Their home was a tiny, tin…
Peter was alone and abandoned when he met our team in Zambia. His parents died and his extended family left him, so our team provided safe housing and holistic, Gospel-centered care. When Peter started going to school, our team nurtured his unique skills and interests, eventually leading him…
We met Roydah when she was 15 years old. After becoming pregnant, our team welcomed her into our care. Before then, she lived with her aunt and didn’t have enough to eat. As she grieved the everyday necessities she had to live without, she began to seek comfort…
When Mubiru* lost his father, his whole world changed. Just 8 years old, he struggled with discouragement, not knowing what was going to happen next. During this time, Mubiru lost all motivation to study and go to school. He thought his education would soon come to an end…
At just 10 years old, Miles lost both of his parents. He moved in with his grandmother, who struggled to provide for him. So his education had to take a back seat.
Though tempted to give up, Yolanda* was determined to help her baby sister have a better life. She came to our team in Guatemala at the age of 10 after spending most of her life enduring abuse. On our campus, the two sisters were given a safe place…
Summer camps are likely the last thing to come to mind when thinking of kids during the war in Ukraine. But for the orphaned and vulnerable children we serve, Christian summer camps provide hope, fun, education, and community, even during the war. At Lifesong, we stand by a…
Without a quality education, orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda are more likely to repeat generational patterns of poverty and relational trauma. Without an education, it is difficult to find meaningful employment, leading to an inability to provide for a family. Girls who are uneducated often have no…