Seen, Known, & Loved into Adulthood | An Update from Bolivia

We continually share the hope we have in Jesus with the orphaned young adults we serve in Bolivia. We hope and pray each of them will grasp the love Jesus showed on the cross and realize they are His prized possession.

As always, don’t forget to check out the encouraging story and prayer requests below.

—Bolivia Team

Sara and her sisters grew up in a children’s home.

After aging out, they were able to pursue a college education. Their accomplishments are impressive and inspire the other orphaned young adults our team in Bolivia serves today.

A few months ago, our team invited Sara* and her sisters out for a meal to celebrate Christmas. The young women enjoyed the good food and time together. As they finished their meals, our team in Bolivia gave each of them a gift.

A ministry leader shares—

“We wanted to remind Sara and her sisters that they are not alone and that God continues to care for them, using believers across the world!”

When the girls received their gifts, they were moved to tears, not because of the gift itself, but because even after achieving great success, they still had a desire in their hearts to be seen, known, and loved.

Through her tears, Sara exclaimed—“I can’t believe someone would think to give me a gift, even though I’m no longer a child.” 

No matter how old or how long their list of accomplishments, there is still a need to be loved.

The gifts to Sara and her sisters were simply a vessel to share how loved they are by their Heavenly Father.

At Lifesong, we stand by a 4-part pledge to the children we serve. The fourth part of the pledge affirms our commitment to providing orphaned young adults with continued love and support as they transition into adult living.

“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living

“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living

While Sara and her sisters may never have known the love of a biological or adoptive family, they are loved by God’s family, the Church. They don’t have to face adulthood alone as other brothers and sisters in Christ come alongside them through life.

*Names have been changed to protect the identities of the children we serve.

Pray for Bolivia

  • Praise God for the three orphaned young adults who recently started college, studying social work.
  • Praise God that our team now includes a Christian psychologist who works with young adults in need of support.
  • Pray for the hearts of more orphaned young adults in Bolivia to be softened to the love of their Heavenly Father.
  • Pray for healing of difficult pasts and traumas.
  • Pray for the teenagers who have reintegrated with their biological families. Pray they will continue to seek the Lord no matter where they are.

Join our prayer team to receive monthly prayer requests & praises from across our ministry.

Will you help orphaned young adults in Bolivia experience the hope of the Gospel?

When you give to Lifesong, you show orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen, known, and loved through Gospel-centered holistic care. Thanks to TMG Foundation, 100% of your gift goes directly to helping orphaned and vulnerable children.