Angel Doesn’t Have to Fear Going Hungry Anymore | An Update from Guatemala

Below, one of our teammates in Guatemala shares an example of what holistic care for vulnerable young mothers and their children in Guatemala can look like—

Food—it’s necessary for life, yet something we often take for granted.

It’s essential for growth, repair, and proper functioning, but unfortunately, it’s something many children in Guatemala lack on a daily basis. The children we serve often come to us malnourished, underweight, and lacking the medical care they need.

Angel* is one of those children.

Angel came to us when she was 4 years old. Her hair was brittle, her eyes were sunken, and her teeth were in poor condition due to her daily diet of tortillas dipped in coffee.

Quickly, we realized the severity of Angel’s food insecurity when she started to hoard food in her pockets and under her pillow.

Our team got to work supplying Angel with a backpack full of nutritious snacks that she could carry with her everywhere she went. We assured her that every time the snacks were gone, she could refill her backpack with more.

Her counselor also helped her process traumatic experiences so she could heal deep-rooted fears of going hungry.

After less than two months, Angel is no longer hoarding food.

She is able to attend school with only a snack, knowing that a meal will be waiting for her when she returns.

At Lifesong, we stand by a 4-part pledge to the children we serve. The second part of the pledge affirms our commitment to providing holistic care to orphaned and vulnerable children so they don’t lack food, clothing, medical care, and shelter.

“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living

“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living

As we provide nutritious food to vulnerable children like Angel, God is glorified. As we read in Isaiah 58—

“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”

*Names have been changed to protect the identities of the children we serve.

Pray for Guatemala

  • Praise God that children who were malnourished and fearful of going hungry are now receiving nutritious meals every day.
  • Pray for God’s guidance in filling two positions, nanny and team leader.
  • Pray for one of the young mothers we serve who is growing in her understanding of following Jesus as her Savior.
  • Praise God for two infants who were adopted last month. Pray for their families to adjust and bond well.
  • Pray for continued progress on the construction of “The Well” transition homes, where young mothers who age out of the program can transition into independence while continuing to be surrounded by education and support.
  • Pray for our team in Guatemala to remain healthy and focused on working for Jesus.

Join our prayer team to receive monthly prayer requests & praises from across our ministry.

Will you help vulnerable young mothers and their children in Guatemala experience the hope of the Gospel?

When you give to Lifesong, you show orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen, known, and loved through Gospel-centered holistic care. Thanks to TMG Foundation, 100% of your gift goes directly to helping orphaned and vulnerable children.