Restoring Hope for Orphans in Liberia: Jerry’s Story

Liberia’s 14-year civil war from 1989–2003 created over 100,000 orphans.
Jerry was one of hundreds of orphans in Liberia who fled to the forest for safety. But even as he and other kids found refuge from the violence of war, they had no family to love or care for them.
While Jerry doesn’t know much about his past, he knows the One Who guides his future—known before the foundation of the world by a loving God Who holds him in tender care.
Hear in Jerry’s own deeply impactful words what God is doing in his life—
Also during Liberia’s civil war,
a man named Emmanuel Jones gave his life to Christ. Having grown up as a street kid, Emmanuel felt God tugging on his heart to go back and reach other kids who were without hope.
“I went into the forest, and there were hundreds of kids. My heart broke. And so I decided to help them.” —Emmanuel Jones, Director of Lifesong Liberia
So Emmanuel started a children’s home which later became Lifesong Liberia, working with local leaders and volunteers who are passionate about rescuing and caring for orphaned and abandoned children.
Today, around 76 children live in a group setting at our ministry site in Liberia.
As a little boy, Jerry was one of the first kids there.

Growing up at Lifesong Liberia,
Jerry learned from teachers and caregivers about how very much God loves him.
Every morning and every evening, the children and staff gather to read God’s Word and discuss it. During this time—as a young boy—Jerry heard the Good News of the Gospel and began to understand how much he matters to God Who is Father to the fatherless.
In time, Jerry chose to trust God as his personal Savior. In Jerry’s words—
“I have learned that Jesus is my Maker, my Keeper, and my Shelter. He’s my Protector.”

Today, with your help, we continue to reach orphans in Liberia like Jerry,
meeting their basic needs and giving them Gospel-centered care and education.
Key areas of ministry in Liberia include:
- Discipleship: All of our children attend a local church on a regular basis. Caregivers, staff, and volunteers mentor the kids, encouraging them in their faith and helping them overcome challenges as they grow.
- Safe Homes: Through the generosity of faithful supporters, we provide food, clothing, education, and medical care for the 76 children who live on-site.
- Education: Our ministry site has a school on campus from pre-K through 12th grade which serves the resident children, following the national school curriculum with a Christian focus.
- Vocational Training: We have a Vocational College for young adults, offering classes, such as computers, carpentry, cosmetology, catering, tailoring, electricity, and interior design, that will help students transition to independent living.
And Jerry is a good example of how all four of these important areas of ministry can impact the lives of orphans in Liberia.

“One of the most important things the Lifesong family has done for me is helping me to know Jesus Christ personally. And through Lifesong, I was able to go to school.”
In 2020, Jerry and six other teenagers
joined a new discipleship program in Liberia. Together with staff, they explored God’s Word, grew in fellowship, and held each other accountable. They became more active in their local church and grew in their walk with Jesus.

Today, Jerry is learning piano and enjoys playing for his local church. Music is something he always wanted to learn, and now he’s able to use it to worship God. He’s also working with fellow teammates to share the love of Christ with teenagers in the community.
Like Emmanuel Jones, Jerry feels God tugging on his heart to reach other kids who are without hope. In Jerry’s words, “There is always hope.”

After high school, Jerry wanted to pursue a trade, so he started attending Lifesong Vocational School—a tremendous opportunity for students who otherwise may not have the chance to pursue the education and career training necessary to find reliable employment and provide for themselves and their families. He dreams of being an electrical engineer one day.

As Jerry continues to grow in his leadership and confidence as a child of God, his story is an example of what God can do when vulnerable children are seen, known, and loved. Jerry shares—
“If God can take me this far, you can believe that God will help you, too.”
We look forward to seeing how Jerry’s story continues to unfold.
Will you help orphaned children like Jerry experience the hope of the Gospel?
When you give to Lifesong, you show orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen, known, and loved through Gospel-centered holistic care. Thanks to TMG Foundation, 100% of your gift goes directly to helping orphaned and vulnerable children.