Discipleship Changed Natasha’s Life | An Update from Uganda

Natasha experienced great sadness before seeking help from our team in Uganda.
At the time, she was living with her mother who was ill. Natasha’s father was not present in her life, so she cared for her mother alone.
When Natasha arrived at Global Hands of Hope, she was fearful of building relationships with the other children. Since then, her life has transformed, and she is no longer afraid.
Ritah, a ministry leader in Uganda, shared—
“God graciously got a hold of Natasha’s heart. She started to attend chapel and various Bible lessons.”
At Lifesong, we stand by a four-part pledge to the children we serve. The first part of the pledge affirms our commitment to teach orphaned and vulnerable children the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ.
One way children in Uganda experience the Gospel is through being paired with safe-home mothers.
These supportive mentors and caregivers live with the orphaned and vulnerable children we serve in safe homes, making it possible for the children to experience a family-like environment full of love, care, and connection.
Our team hopes to add more safe-home mothers so that for every 12 children, there will be one safe-home mother. This will enable more consistent and frequent one-on-one conversations about the Gospel and other important topics.

Top: Natasha and Pastor Isaac read the Bible in search of answers to Natasha’s questions.
In addition to being discipled by her safe-home mother, Natasha decided to speak with Pastor Isaac about faith. Her pastor became a trusted spiritual mentor and helped her answer questions about what it means to receive salvation through Jesus’ finished work on the cross.
Eventually, Natasha made the decision to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior.
Today, Natasha continues to grow in her understanding of God through His Word and through church teachings. She also sees the Gospel at work every day in the ways our team loves and cares for her with grace and hope.
Pray for Uganda
- Praise God that Natasha accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Pray that she continues to grow in her faith.
- Pray that our team in Uganda would be able to hire more safe-home mothers so that there could be 1 safe-home mother for every 12 children.
- Praise God for a pastor who devotes time and attention to the children we serve as they grow in faith.
- Pray that more children in Uganda would be transformed by the Gospel.
- Pray for teachers in Uganda to have energy and enthusiasm after a school break.
Join our prayer team to receive monthly prayer requests & praises from across our ministry.
Will you help orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda experience the hope of the Gospel?
When you give to Lifesong, you show orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen, known, and loved through Gospel-centered holistic care. Thanks to TMG Foundation, 100% of your gift goes directly to helping orphaned and vulnerable children.