Rachael’s Long-Awaited Return to School | An Update from Zambia

Rachael* prayed and prayed she would be able to return to school.
When God didn’t answer her prayer, she contemplated giving up on Him. Thankfully, our team at Kharis House in Zambia is committed to helping young mothers like Rachael grow in their faith through difficult times in their lives.
According to International Justice Mission, Zambia ranks 116th out of 145 countries in gender equality.
Despite similar enrollment rates for girls and boys in primary education, girls drop out of school as their education advances, often the result of early marriage and teenage pregnancy. When a teenage mother is identified at school, she is often bullied by both her peers and teachers, giving her no choice but to leave.
Some schools don’t allow pregnant teenagers to continue their education at all.
When girls and women are kept from receiving an education, there are lasting consequences. Uneducated women are denied meaningful participation and involvement in decision-making in society.
Sadly, social norms in Zambia also influence men’s willingness to act violently against women and children and increase the likelihood that a woman accepts the violence as normal and will not report the crime.
Rachael struggled immensely with these painful realities.
All she wanted was to return to a place where she could learn, grow, and eventually develop skills that would help her pursue a career and raise her baby.
As she longed to return to school, our team at Kharis House walked by her side. They discipled her, loved her, prayed with her, and encouraged her. They wanted her to return to school as much as she did, but they also knew God heard her prayers, so they modeled what it looks like to wait patiently on the Lord’s timing.
At Lifesong, we stand by a four-part pledge to the children we serve. The first part of the pledge affirms our commitment to teach orphaned and vulnerable children the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ. For Rachael, this meant learning to have peace in the waiting, even when God was silent.
Rachael worked hard and continued to study independently. One day, she had the opportunity to take a placement exam, and her high score opened the door to a new school.
She was accepted!
After receiving the good news, Rachael ran as fast as she could to our team, rejoicing, celebrating, and filled to the brim with happiness.
Kari, cofounder of Kharis House shares—
“We are so thankful God heard her. We love that she has seen firsthand the power of God in his perfect timing!”
*name changed for protection
Pray for Zambia
- Praise God for new staff members who are helping to support young mothers and their babies in Zambia.
- Praise God that Rachael is able to return to school, an answered prayer!
- Pray that pregnant teenagers in Zambia would be able to continue their education.
- Pray for young mothers to make decisions that serve them and their babies well in the long-term.
- Pray that young mothers would understand that they are seen, known, and loved by God.
Join our prayer team to receive monthly prayer requests & praises from across our ministry.
Will you help young mothers and their babies in Zambia experience the hope of the Gospel?
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