Empowering Young Mothers in Zambia | An Update from Kharis House

In Zambia, many young girls must help provide for their families to buy food or to go to school.
Because of this cultural expectation—and with the additional pressures of multi-generational poverty and food insecurity—girls as young as 4th grade search for ways to earn money.
1 in 3 girls under the age of 16 in Zambia become pregnant.
Because of these statistics—and because orphan prevention and family preservation are core to our mission—in 2022, Kharis House opened, where young teen moms can receive Gospel-centered mentorship and discipleship, finish their education, and learn to parent and lead a healthy family.

Today, Rachel* is one of seven young mothers living at Kharis House with their babies.
When Rachel’s mother found out she was pregnant, she told Rachel she wouldn’t be able to continue her education.
In Rachel’s words—
“I thought my life was over.”
But now, Rachel knows her life is filled with promise.
She says—
“After I came to Kharis House, everything changed. I now know all that God has done for me. I know Jesus died for me, and I want my daughter to know Jesus like I do.”
*name changed for protection
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