Providing Jobs During the War | An Update from Ukraine

Even when the war in Ukraine began and one of Lifesong’s farms was damaged,
Sergei, an orphanage graduate and manager of Lifesong Farms, decided to continue working. He wanted to be able to help others by offering employment to those who needed it during a tumultuous time.
In addition to sustaining employees, farm profits are helping to fuel Lifesong’s ministry to orphaned and vulnerable children, especially as the need for trauma-informed care continues to grow. Lifesong Farms Ukraine harvests large quantities of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

Yura and Alex are brothers and orphanage graduates like Sergei.
They graduated and were eager to go to college and pursue a career they loved, but when the war began, it became difficult to do so.
Now, they have the opportunity to study while working at the farm. They harvest berries, work on repairs, and help prepare for Lifesong summer camps.
Employment on the farm gives them a sense of dignity as they uncover their unique strengths and abilities in a supportive environment.

The brothers first heard the Gospel when they started working for Lifesong Farms.
Through the example of their coworkers, they have seen what it looks like to love generously with Christlike love.
As Sergei shares—
“I am a blessed man and have been given so much. Now, the time has come to give back. My goal is to help other orphanage graduates like me.”
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