November Is National Adoption Month

Welcome to National Adoption Month.
Here at Lifesong, we believe every month is an opportunity to share about adoption, but we’re grateful November has been recognized nationally as National Adoption Awareness Month!
Did you know, according to the Barna Group, 38% of practicing Christians have seriously considered adoption, but only 5% have actually adopted? One major obstacle is adoption funding. The costs associated with adoption can be overwhelming.
But we believe money should never be the reason a child doesn’t have a family.
So this month, we’re encouraging you to do one of two things to honor National Adoption Month—
1. Would you help spread awareness?
Lori, an adoptive mom wrote us recently to say—
The biggest help for us in our adoption process was the financial support Lifesong provided. The Matching Grant was an answered prayer, as we wavered in our conviction of this call early on due to a lack of funds.
We hear words like this often. Adoption funding makes a big difference and enables families to obey the calling God has placed on their lives.
So if you know of a Christian family who has considered adoption or is currently beginning the adoption process, would you let them know about Lifesong adoption funding?
Through adoption financial assistance, like matching grants, interest-free loans, and adoption crowdfunding pages, we can help bridge the gap in adoption fundraising.
In fact, since 2002, we’ve helped 10,418 children come home to the love, security, and safety of a Christian family through adoption financial assistance, made possible by generous givers.
And we want to help even more.
2. Would you prayerfully consider your role?
Not everyone is called to adopt, but it’s hard to think that everyone who should adopt has done it.
If you’ve felt the tug to adopt—start a conversation with your spouse, research adoption agencies, or take a look at our adoption guide.
Just move the needle. What step might God want you to take next?
We look forward to seeing what God does through you during National Adoption Month.
Considering adoption?
We guide adopting families through the fundraising process, removing the financial barriers to adoption. Download Lifesong’s free adoption financial assistance application to receive matching grants, interest-free loans, and access to our free crowdfunding platform!