God’s Great Love for Limesha | An Update from Zambia

Limesha knows the feeling of being alone.
After her parents died, she began living with her grandparents where her grandmother needed her to help take care of her grandfather who is blind. When she came home from school, instead of studying or having fun with her friends, she cooked meals and assisted with her grandfather’s care.
When her grandmother learned of Lifesong Zambia and our safe home for vulnerable girls, she was quick to enroll Limesha in the boarding school. She began receiving balanced meals, which allowed her to study without worrying where food would come from.
When she finishes secondary school, Limesha plans to study medicine and become a doctor so she can help people, especially those who live in poverty. Limesha feels God’s love for her through Lifesong teachers.

Limesha shares—
“I feel like God’s love for me is big; it endures forever; it has no size. I feel like God is always beside me, and He will never leave me, no matter what happens, no matter what situation I go through.”
Nothing will ever take away the pain of such deep loss of her parents, but now, she is part of the family at Lifesong who model God’s love to her, comfort her, and promise to be by her side.
She says—
“I once felt lonely and isolated, but now I am seen, known, and loved.”
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