What Could Happen in 2023?

Though 2022 was filled with challenges and uncertainty,
God used you to help vulnerable children and families feel seen, known, and loved.
- Over 450 children will know the love and acceptance of family through adoption because of efforts made this year to bring them home.
- Over 9,363 children in 16 countries around the world are served with Gospel-centered care.
And now 2023 is here.
What incredible things could God do this year for the most vulnerable populations? We know He’s able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).
Here are 3 things we’ve learned this year that could make 2023 even more impactful—
1. Some of the most urgent needs are also the most hidden.
Orphaned and vulnerable kids are often the first to be cast aside and forgotten. This past year, the number of children at risk globally was at an all-time high and protection of children at an all-time low. According to UNICEF,
Today, there are more children in need of humanitarian assistance than at any other time since the Second World War.
It is children who are bearing the brunt of a world in crisis, with millions struggling to survive.
While much of the world turns a blind eye, we’re reminded of our Heavenly Father’s concentrated care. God does not ignore. He doesn’t overlook or discard. He sees each one.
And in His love, He gives us eyes to see and respond to their needs.
In fact, He goes so far as to say what we do for the least of these, we do for Him (Matthew 25). What greater motivation is there?

2. God is using you to do extraordinary things for vulnerable kids.
Because people like you are seeing and responding to the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children around the world, truly amazing things are happening.
- Before the war in Ukraine began, we were serving 1,200 orphans and vulnerable kids. Today, we are caring for 3,100 vulnerable kids and women.
- This year, we welcomed 48 deaf and hard-of-hearing students plus 18 deaf staff onto our campus in Bercy, Haiti.
- In the U.S., we reached the milestone of 10,000 adoptions supported since 2002.
These are just a few of the hundreds of stories we could share.
Your support makes this possible. God is using you to reach children and families in need all over the world.
3. Every effort makes a difference.
When people like you give to provide holistic, Gospel-centered care to vulnerable children, you help change lives and break generational cycles.
Vulnerable are protected in a time of war.
Orphans are welcomed into family.
Children are seen, known, and loved.
So every gift—no matter how large or small—advances the work God is doing around the world.
When you give to Lifesong, 100% of your gift will reach orphans with Gospel-centered care, help Christian families adopt, and support sustainable business development and living-wage job creation, which promotes family preservation.
What could happen in 2023? Together let’s see what God will do.