The Gift of a Simple Yes

They both had a heart for adoption.
Even before Morgan and Jeffrey met, they had a desire to open their hearts and home to a child in need of family, a fact they discovered while employed as co-workers at the same adoption agency.
So three years after getting married, at the height of the COVID pandemic, they began the adoption process.
Not only were there the typical unknowns surrounding their adoption—timing and logistics, for example—but there were many additional unknowns created by the global pandemic.
And, of course, there was the issue of funding.
They had no idea how God would provide $40,000, but they trusted Him to do it.

So Morgan and Jeffrey worked hard and saved all they could.
They even started a small business, Wilder Way Threads, selling beautiful, handmade vintage Turkish rugs that not only supported their adoption, but also provided for small business owners in Turkey.
Additionally, they received a matching grant through Lifesong, and friends and family gave generously above and beyond their initial goal.
God was writing a story more beautiful than anything they could have written for themselves.

In February 2021, Morgan and Jeffrey boarded a plane for India.
Even better, they were fully funded for their adoption process.
And on a dry, sunny day in the middle of Maharashtra, India, they met their baby girl for the first time. In Morgan’s words—
“When we laid eyes on our daughter, Eden, it was as if our souls knew deep down she was ours, and we loved her immediately with inexpressible love. We were now a family, and that was what mattered.”
Like so many families who begin the adoption process, Jeffrey and Morgan had no idea where the money would come from or how the details would come together, but they trusted God, and as always, God proved Himself to be faithful.
“God used Lifesong in miraculous ways to provide every single penny of the amount we needed. We would’ve never imagined the outpouring of grace and provision that would be unleashed through our simple yes.”

Today, out of hearts overflowing with gratitude for God’s provision, Jeffrey and Morgan still use Wilder Way Threads to be a platform that supports fellow adoptive families on their journey.
Because generous people like you followed God’s call to give, Jeffrey and Morgan could follow God’s call to adopt. And as a result, Eden is one of over 10,185 children in loving, Christian families with help from Lifesong.
This Christmas, you can reach orphaned & vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
It only takes one caring person to help one child in need. By partnering with Lifesong, you reach orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
We invite you to join where God is so clearly working. When you give to Lifesong by December 31, 2022, your gift is matched up to $1,600,000—making twice the impact. As always, 100% of your gift directly helps children in need.
Together, with God’s help, we can make a difference.
Your gift helps fund Christian adoptions, support Gospel-centered ministries globally, and fuel sustainable business development.
Your generous gift this Christmas shows orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen. Together, let’s continue reaching children in need with the Gospel!