This Graduation in Haiti Is an Answer to Prayer.

We’re celebrating another graduation in Haiti!
On Saturday, June 25, 2022, 28 graduates crossed the stage to become the second graduating class at Lifesong Christian School in Bercy, Haiti.
The ceremony was a beautiful picture of God’s promises and blessings, made possible because of people like you.

How We Got Here
Lifesong Christian School in Bercy began in 2017.
It specifically began because, for kids in Haiti—
— There’s a 50% chance they don’t attend school regularly. Lack of schools, high tuition rates, and socio-economic constraints severely limit school enrollment.
— Tuition is the #1 barrier to their education. 4 out of 5 schools in Haiti are privately run. Unfortunately, even at the least expensive private schools, tuition is too high for many low-income families.
— Schools are overcrowded and under-resourced. Teachers often go without pay, which also negatively impacts the quality and consistency of a student’s education.
So Lifesong Christian School—made possible by dedicated school staff and faithful givers—was a direct answer to prayer.

Who We Reach
*Judith has been going to our church here at Lifesong in Haiti for three years.
She was baptized and recommitted herself to the church, but life has not been easy. Her goal?—no matter who said bad things about her, she wanted to finish school.
Forced by her family to find somewhere else to live, she continued faithfully attending church and school.
By the grace of God, she graduated as part of the class of 2022.
Lifesong Christian School exists to reach students like Judith.
Because of the gifts God has provided to Lifesong Haiti, our team has been able to help, support, and mentor Judith along the way. Just as she committed to faithfully seeking God, we committed to faithfully helping her finish.
*name changed for protection
Who We Remember
Back in February, the school lost a teacher in a tragic motorcycle accident.
Mr. Alcy taught at Lifesong Christian School for three years and left behind a young family, a supportive community, and a loving student body.
During the graduation ceremony, the Valedictorian took time to honor Mr. Alcy as the one who taught him English.
We’re thankful for our excellent teachers who invest in each student, often going above and beyond their regular teaching duties.
We are also grateful to everyone who has given, supported, and prayed for our students, staff, and ministry.
You are reaching these children and providing much-needed support.

What’s Next
The needs of this country—and specifically the children of Haiti—are big.
As the poorest country in the western hemisphere, only 50% of the population have access to clean water, half of the country’s children do not attend school, and 59% live on less than $2 a day.
So 28 students graduating who will go on to be leaders in their homes, churches, and communities is something worth celebrating.

Current plans for most of this year’s graduates following national exams include finding a university where they can earn either technical or professional degrees and advance to good jobs where they can support themselves and their families.
Our hope is to continue to support these young adults as they take the next step in their lives to pursue higher education, vocational programs, or enter the workforce.
We praise God for this incredible accomplishment!
Thank you for being an important part of this story.