Here’s What We’re Celebrating in Liberia
Three years is a long time to be away from family in Liberia.
Including friends who have become like family.
This is what Christ does for us, binds us together with a shared hope and joy that goes beyond time and distance. So that even if it has been three years, the smiles, hugs, and love is still the same.
We’re ready to love, listen, and learn. We’re ready to hear the stories, see the needs, and help our brothers and sisters remember that we do not forget them.
Our time apart is spent praying, advocating, and sharing their strength with others. We love celebrating their amazing accomplishments and learning how we can do even more together.

Our latest trip to Liberia was filled with celebration.
We celebrated that the shy children we first met eight years ago are becoming confident young adults with big dreams.
Young adults that now plan to become doctors, engineers, and lawyers.
Young adults that love Jesus and want to share Him with others.
They’ve lived through Ebola and now through COVID, and through loss and disappointment, they’ve become stronger. These young adults have not given up hope and are now ready to move forward while still loving and teaching the ones coming behind. By God’s grace, these young people are setting an example.

We celebrated 19 new children that are now living at Lifesong. We rejoiced to see their tender smiles grow bigger as they spent time with us. And we rejoiced in the opportunity to become family and to share Jesus with them.
We celebrated the growth of the Vocational College program. Specifically, we’re excited to continue pursuing our dream of giving young adults in Liberia purpose, direction, and hope.
We rejoiced with every eager student who showed us what they were learning. And we enjoyed talking to every teacher, excited for the opportunity to share knowledge and training with these kids.
We listened, learned, and celebrated.
God is so faithful.

The verse that kept running through my head…
as I watched the kids play, as I sat in church and looked over the congregation, and as I spoke with teachers and staff was Nehemiah 8:10—
The joy of the Lord is your strength.
Their smiles, laughter, and songs are filled with the joy of the Lord. And this joy is contagious.
This joy gives them the strength to face the hardships and disappointments associated with poverty and loss, knowing their God is infinitely greater and has never forsaken them.
And this joy teaches me the strength I need in my own life.
I leave Liberia with my heart full of joy and love for the family I have found in this tiny African country; thankful God has allowed me to share just a small piece of their powerful story.
Thank you for making ministry in Liberia possible.
Give a student in Liberia the life-changing gift of care and education.