A Life-Changing Job for Ylana
Our team recently put together some Stories of Redemption about children and families around the globe who have been reached by people like you. Each story begins with brokenness … but each ends with God’s grace.
Here in the new year, we want to share one of the stories we were honored to include—
Ylana’s heart sank every time she saw storm clouds gathering over her little home in Bercy, Haiti.
The 2010 earthquake destroyed part of her house, and as a single mother of five, she quickly had to find a safe place for her family when storms passed through.
Ylana barely made enough money to provide for her children, let alone repair her home. While she worked diligently in her garden and sold vegetables at the market, the income wasn’t enough.
But then God connected her with Lifesong.
After hearing her story, our staff encouraged her to apply for a position at the Lifesong Guest House.

Ylana accepted a job at the Guest House, and in her words—
It was life-changing. It was God’s answer.
Today, Ylana works housekeeping at the Lifesong Guest House and helps with the young moms mentorship program. She is saving money, has repaired her home, and is slowly building an even better home for herself and her children.
Even more, she’s mentoring young women who are single mothers like her. In a new program on campus, she helps 20 single mothers—from age 18 to 23—learn employable skills to better provide for themselves and their families.

Ylana shares—
I am grateful for Lifesong, grateful for the work they are doing in the community of Bercy. Kids are going to school for free, people are getting hired. They are helping without asking anything in return.
Your prayer and support continues to create opportunities for single moms like Ylana, which in turn support family preservation.
Thank you for your part in this story.
Support what God is doing in Haiti.