Something Big to Celebrate in Ethiopia!
In our last update, we invited you to celebrate what God is doing through your faithful support. Here’s another update from our team filled with reasons to praise Him—
The last couple of years …
have been such a challenging time for our students, as well as for our teachers. Political unrest led to school closures for several weeks. Additionally, the global pandemic shut school down for several months.
When we were finally able to re-open our schools, we were limited to three days a week.
The students and the teachers were excited to return—to be together and to learn.
Even when our classes could not meet in person …
Our teachers worked hard and did their best to keep our students up-to-date.
In Ethiopia, a national exam is given to the students in Grade 8, considered to be the end of primary school. Passing this Grade 8 exam is necessary in order to advance to Grade 9. This national exam can be stressful for students in Ethiopia (and similarly, in countries around the world) where education is the clearest path out of poverty.
“Passing 8th grade could easily determine the future life of a student because if they do not pass, it means usually they have to go on traditional farming, become a day laborer, or simply help their family at home. Sometimes, this leads students to get involved with drugs and illegal activity.” — Zebdeos Samuel
So our teachers faithfully delivered notes on the telegram channel for all the Grade 8 students throughout the stay-at-home mandate. And when they were able to meet together, the teachers offered intensive revision classes before the final exam.
But we knew that the chances for all of our students to pass the exam this year were slim.
By the grace of God …
We just learned that 100% of our Grade 8 students passed the national exam!
We are rejoicing and invite you to rejoice with us as your support is a big part of this story.
We’re grateful for the teachers who worked so hard, and the students who faithfully studied and prepared to receive this outcome.
One of our students, Million, received an impressive 99% on his exam. Ten years ago, he was brought to live on our campus with his 9 brothers and sisters. He—and his siblings—continue to grow and learn.
And now …
A brand new school year has just begun.
Earlier this month, we welcomed the students back. With great anticipation, we look forward to what God will do this year in the lives of these children He loves.
Recently, we were interviewing teachers for this current school year. One of the applicants came in and introduced herself as Rahel—one of our first students when we started the school in 2008.
Because so many years had passed, we didn’t immediately recognize her. But as soon as she introduced herself, each of the interviewers—who had been her teachers—were thrilled to see her and learn what God is doing in her life.
Rahel graduated from college with a degree in teaching and is eager to teach in the same school where she was supported and loved for six years.
We’re excited to have her back.

We praise God for the way He continues to provide for vulnerable children and families in our community.
Thank you for your part in this story of God’s faithfulness in Ethiopia. Your prayers, support, and encouragement are making an impact!