Pray for These Kids in Ukraine?
Thank you for praying for kids and families in Ukraine. As the daily number of COVID-19 cases and deaths continues to climb in-country, our team is doing everything they can to meet needs and minister to the vulnerable.
Here’s what’s happening—
God is still writing stories of transformation
… even if things look different right now than we would choose.
We know God’s work isn’t always done in our way or on our time table, yet we remain committed to the children God has given us the privilege to serve.
He knows what He’s doing, He’s good, and He loves the children and families of Ukraine more than we can imagine.
Here are 3 groups of people who have suffered deeply during the current lockdown and quarantine. But by the grace of God, we’re still able to reach and minister to these individuals.
Would you say a quick prayer for each one?
1. CCP program participants
Our Constant Christian Presence (CCP) program is the bread and butter of Lifesong Ukraine. In partnership with 12 different orphanages across 3 cities, our team teaches classes—like educational Lego, Bible lessons, crafts, music, and sports—multiple times a week after school.
This is where we build relationships with the kids we serve and open up Gospel-centered conversations.
Due to the restrictions some local orphanages placed during this pandemic, our work during 2020 was limited. We weren’t able to spend time hanging out, and many of the classes were shortened.
Today, we are back to our regular lessons with minimal restrictions. Our kids and staff are grateful to be back together. We’re praying this can continue.
2. Children at risk
Due to the pandemic, many kids in Ukraine who currently lived in orphanages were sent back home, even if their parents or caregivers are known addicts or are currently unable to care for them.
While we’re glad the children get to see family members, we also know this means some kids are at risk.
Twice a week, our mobile groups visited these kids and did whatever we could to meet their needs and the needs of their parents.
Please pray for them as we continue to pursue them with the love of God.
3. Families in crisis
As you can imagine, families already in crisis have been especially hit hard during this pandemic. Many families have lost jobs, are battling addictions, or are unsure where to turn for help in difficult times.
We support family preservation. In partnership with people like you, we seek to reach and support vulnerable families in holistic ways whenever possible so as to keep them together.
Currently, we’re walking alongside more than 150 families. We continue to build relationships with each one, while praying for more hands, more mobile groups, and more food drops to reach more families, prevent orphan crises, and rescue kids—especially girls—from any type of abuse.
Misha and Vika’s story is a good example of what can happen when a family in crisis is reached with the life-saving, life-changing news of the Gospel and with the tangible love and support of the Church.
God has changed us. [He] has redeemed us from bad habits and turned our hearts toward each other.

Our main goal continues to be to meet needs and help families break the vicious cycles of addiction and poverty. These families—like all of us—ultimately need Jesus to enter their hearts, homes, and lives.
We understand that one-time help can meet an immediate need, but it will not ultimately change the direction of their lives. They need God, and we are just His hands and feet.
The opportunity to impact the lives of Ukraine’s most vulnerable is great, especially right now. With your help, we can continue to move toward orphaned and vulnerable children to build trustful relationships that point them to the incredible hope found only and always in Jesus.
Thank you for joining us in this important work.
Reach more kids in Ukraine with the love of Christ.
Your gift ensures orphaned and vulnerable kids and young adults in Ukraine will be reached with the Gospel.