Look What God Did in Zambia!
Thank you for supporting vulnerable kids in Zambia around the world. We’re excited to share some good news today from our teammate Kristie Cobb—
When you think back to your high school days …
I’m guessing you never experienced a year like 2020. What a crazy year it was for students everywhere! But, in spite of the craziness, I invite you to “Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles He performs for people!” (Psalm 66:5).
Unlike the U.S. where the school year runs from August to May, here in Zambia, our school year runs from January to December.
So when our school—like so many schools around the world—closed in late March due to COVID-19 and stayed closed for months on end, we wondered how on earth we’d ever be able to catch up on lost time.
Would our kids be ready for their next school year? And maybe most importantly, would they be ready for their grade 7, 9, and 12 government exams in December?
So many unanswered questions.
Through extra homework assignments and also taking advantage of weekends and an extended third term, our grades 7, 9, and 12 students worked especially hard to catch up on missed lessons in preparation for their exams.
They wanted to be successful as much as we wanted success for them.
December came quickly, but our students and teachers were determined that they would all do their best. And we couldn’t be more proud of them. Our grade 9 students finished first and were able to go home for a long, deserved break. One week later, our grade 7 students finished their exams and started their term break.
And we were left with only our grade 12 students.
How We Got Here
Lifesong School began in 2007 at a small church in the local village. The students from that first class were now our grade 12 students set to graduate in December 2020. They have worked really hard over the years and were determined to finish well. Many of them would be the first students in their families to graduate secondary school.
So even with COVID-19 continuing to rear its ugly head, our kids pressed forward, finished the month of December, and took their exams. And we all hoped they would be able to meet the requirements to graduate.
And they did.

We decided New Year’s Eve would be the perfect time to celebrate the end of the school year. We made it through another year of grade 12 exams!
13 years of learning would culminate in this moment!
The needs of this country—and specifically the children of Zambia—are big. Most children lack adequate access to nutrition, water, housing, and education. Less than 17% of the population has completed primary school, and only 3.98% have received any post-secondary-school education or training for employment.
So 29 students graduating from Lifesong School who will go on to be leaders in their homes, churches, and communities is something worth celebrating.
We praise God for this incredible accomplishment!
The graduation ceremony for the students was perfect. The kids looked great, and the Ministry of Education showed up as our guest of honor. And we were able to bring 2020 to a close together, celebrating their accomplishments.
What a beautiful picture of God’s promises and blessings, made possible because of people like you.
What’s Next?
While we continue to wait for our students’ exam scores (which are needed to move forward in their studies), our 29 students will spend 2021 in our gap year program with Central Africa Baptist University (CABU), studying missions, discipleship, and Bible. Regardless of whether our students want to try their hands at a specific vocation or move on to university, we believe that a foundation built on the Bible is the best way to prepare them for the future, to grow the kingdom, and to support God’s work now and through the future.
As we say goodbye to our graduates, we are excited to kick off a new school year! Schools reopened across the country earlier this week, so we are thrilled to welcome a brand new baby class to Lifesong. Our newest students were excited to meet their teachers and be measured for uniforms. We praise God that they can—for the first time—begin to receive education, medical care, and 2 meals a day!

Thank you for giving and praying. We need both in order to continue this incredible work and to continue to grow future leaders of Zambia through both Biblical truth and educational excellence!
We are so proud of our students and staff and know that the future is brighter in Zambia because of how God is working in each child’s life!
Be part of the work in Zambia.