What Does Education Look Like for a Kid in Haiti?

If you’re a school-aged kid in Haiti…
There’s a 50% chance you don’t attend school regularly. While every kid matters, lack of schools, high tuition rates, and socio-economic constraints severely limit school enrollment.
Tuition is the #1 barrier to your education. 4 out of 5 schools in Haiti are privately run. Unfortunately, even at the least expensive private schools, tuition is too high for many low-income families.
If you do attend school, there’s a 50% chance you failed to reach 6th grade on time. Children in Haiti start primary school on average two years later than national goals suggest. And once at school, only half will make it to 6th grade on time.
Your school is overcrowded and under-resourced. Teachers often go without pay, which also negatively impacts the quality and consistency of a student’s education.
These facts are sobering. While they move us to prayer, they also move us to praise God for establishing Lifesong Christian School in Bercy, Haiti!

Lifesong Christian School began in Bercy in 2017.
This was a direct answer to prayer and one that God has used in extraordinary ways to reach the next generation of leaders in Haiti.
During these last three years, over 150 7th- through 10th-grade students have walked through our doors—growing tremendously & succeeding academically! These kids wouldn’t have been able to afford a secondary education without our tuition-free program.
As we reach these older students, God is making new needs clear to us.
Homelessness, unemployment, and malnutrition are steep, ongoing challenges that have created an alarmingly high level of poverty and a low level of education in the country. And, as is often the case, children suffer some of the worst effects. As many as 26% of children 5 and under suffer from chronic malnutrition, and many know nothing of the love of Christ.
For each kid to be successful in higher education, he or she needs a firm foundation.
This is why we’re thrilled to begin developing Lifesong Primary School!
This school will reach 200 primary students and focus on these core areas:
- Gospel-centered education and discipleship
- English, French, and Creole classes
- A curriculum that develops critical thinking and analytical skills
- A safe environment that inspires a love for learning
Not only has God made the need obvious, but He is also carving a clear path to begin construction. There are four abandoned school buildings on an adjacent property that will just need to be renovated, speeding up our ability to provide for this need!

As we set out to put this plan into action, will you consider doing the following?
- For the resources needed to complete the construction of Lifesong Primary School.
- That God would prepare the heart and mind of each kid that will one day attend this school.
- For our current staff and students as they begin a new school year!
to help Lifesong Primary School become a reality! The cost for 1 student to attend school for 1 year is $875. You can give a gift here.
Never underestimate what God can do through your prayers and support. You are making a difference every day in the lives of children in Haiti!