Visit Lifesong Zambia Today!

We aren’t all able to hop on a plane and fly across the ocean to visit our team in Zambia, so we brought the Lifesong Zambia team to you. Keep scrolling to take the Zambia Virtual Vision Trip…
Welcome to Lifesong Zambia!
While you’re here, you’ll learn why the ministry exists, see how our team reaches vulnerable kids and families, hear testimonies from children we’ve reached, and find out how to get involved!
Don’t have time to take the full trip? Here’s a quick breakdown.
In Garneton, Zambia…

In the face of these harsh realities, the Lifesong Zambia team reaches over 400 orphaned and vulnerable children with holistic care, education, and—most importantly—the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Snapshot of Lifesong Zambia


Our students range from preschool through the 13th grade. Each one receives all necessary learning materials, quality instruction from qualified teachers, medical care, two daily meals, and discipleship—all at no cost to them or their families.
We’ve been blown away by the gifts and talents God has given to our students. Nearly 100% have passed their National Exams. And all of our Grade 12 students have been accepted into University or vocational programs to receive their degree or certificate.
Student Life Homes

Our older students live on campus in Student Life Homes. In this family-style environment, our young adults have structured spiritual time, academic support, and household responsibilities.
Our prayer is that this environment creates productive, good leaders in society. We want to model a healthy, Christian family unit, showing how spouses interact through service and love—something rarely seen in Zambia.
Vocational School

Lifesong Vocational School launched on our campus two years ago. Today, it’s instructing 12 students in three different areas: auto mechanics, agriculture, and food production. For students who can’t attend University, this is a critical way to gain employable skills.
Lifesong Farms

With help from our team in Ukraine, Lifesong Zambia is developing a successful, hydroponic-driven farm. Here, our students and graduates have the opportunity to develop key job skills. It also provides employment for members of the community and caregivers.
Lifesong Farms’ goal is to create enough profits to cover the cost of running the school and other ministry efforts.
[The farm] has been very encouraging to me… I can be part of it and contribute to the growth of my local community.
—Emmanuel, Lifesong Graduate & Farm Apprentice
How Can You Get Involved?

Join a Vision Trip. For those who are able, come see God’s work in Zambia first-hand.
Sponsor a child. Just $34/month supports a child in Zambia, allowing them to attend school and build relationships with our team.
Support a Student Life Home. Invest in the lives of older students.
Invest in Lifesong Farms. Support job development and community transformation.
Thanks for joining us! Before you leave, would you say a quick prayer for the ministry in Zambia? Ask God to be near the kids and families we serve and to strengthen our staff to reach even more kids with the love of Jesus!