Visit Lifesong Ukraine Today!

We aren’t all able to hop on a plane and fly across the ocean to visit our team in Ukraine, so we brought the Lifesong Ukraine team to you. Keep scrolling to experience of our first-ever virtual vision trip…


Welcome to Lifesong Ukraine!

While you’re here, you’ll learn how God began the ministry, see the different ways our team reaches vulnerable kids and families, hear testimonies from children we’ve reached, and find out how to get involved!

Don’t have time to take the full trip? Here’s a quick breakdown.


Breaking the Orphan Cycle

Our primary focus at Lifesong Ukraine is to break the orphan cycle. This tragic reality is usually as follows:

Authorities remove a child from their parents’ custody and place them in an orphanage. (In Ukraine, 90% of these parents struggle with alcoholism, and half of them once lived in orphanages themselves.)

In the orphanage, a child’s most basic needs—like food, clothing, and shelter—are met. But their most important needs—like love, care, and compassion—are neglected.

As a result, these kids graduate from the orphanage unprepared for independent life, destined to follow in their parents’ footsteps, repeating the behavior that was modeled for them.

Our team at Lifesong Ukraine works to break the orphan cycle by reaching these kids with the Good News of Jesus! They connect with kids using the following proven solutions.



Constant Christian Presence (CCP)

Our Constant Christian Presence (CCP) program is the bread and butter of Lifesong Ukraine. In partnership with 12 different orphanages across 3 cities, our team teaches classes—like educational Lego, Bible lessons, crafts, music, and sports—multiple times a week after school.

This is where we build relationships with the kids we serve and open up Gospel-centered conversations.



To stay in touch during the summers, we invite each child we meet through CCP to join us for a camp. We host our own Lifesong camp and also conduct week-long VBS programs at state-run camps. Altogether, we share the story of Jesus with kids at nearly 30 different camps each year.


Transition Homes

Most kids who age out (or “graduate”) from Ukrainian orphanages end up with severe addictions or living a life of crime. But Lifesong Ukraine offers Transition Homes for orphan graduates where they can learn basic skills for independent, responsible adult life and become members of a local church.

Under the mentorship of a Christian family, they are discipled, loved, and taught Biblical principles.

We even have a transition home—called “New Life”—specifically for at-risk girls and single mothers.


Lifesong Farms

A number of our graduates have the opportunity to develop key job skills at Lifesong Farms. Here, orphanage graduates learn the value of hard work and earning an honest income.

This berry farm is 100% managed by orphanage graduates, making them the perfect mentors for young adults in our transition homes. 


Their goals are not just to earn money, but also to maintain the ministry.
—Bogdan Mazur


Beyond the Orphanage

Crisis Family Support

In Ukraine, more than 600,000 kids have parents but live below the poverty line. At least 100,000 are social orphans. The rest are crisis families.

Our team started visiting these families, including orphanage graduates who chose against entering the Lifesong transition programs. Many of them are single mothers with young babies and no one to support them.

Our main goal is to meet their physical needs and then encourage them to rely on God through mentorship and discipleship.


Indigenous Adoption & Foster Care

Our team facilitates the Lifesong Ukraine National Adoption Club. Our goal is to empty State-run institutions—finding a loving, Christian home for each orphaned child. We do this by assisting in adoption placement and family training.

To date, 250-plus kids have been placed into loving, Christian homes through our ministry assistance.


How Can You Get Involved?

Join a Vision Trip. For those who are able, come see God’s work in Ukraine first-hand.

Sponsor a Child. Just $34/month supports a child in Ukraine, allowing them to participate in CCP classes and build relationships with our team.

Support Transition Homes & New Life. Invest in the lives of vulnerable young adults.

Invest in Lifesong Farms. Support job development and community transformation.


Thanks for joining us! Before you leave, would you say a quick prayer for the ministry in Ukraine? Ask God to be near the kids and families we serve and to strengthen our staff to reach even more kids with the love of Jesus!