Here’s What’s Happening in Guatemala
Thank you for supporting orphaned children in Guatemala and believing with us that God has a heart for each of these kids.
Here’s an update from our team–
God is good, even when circumstances are hard.
Earlier this month—in what must have been desperate circumstances—a mother laid her baby by the side of the highway in the pouring rain and walked away.
It’s hard to imagine what she must have been thinking—no doubt she felt pain and brokenness.
We don’t know how long the baby laid there, cold and wet. He was tiny and defenseless at just 5 pounds, his umbilical cord still attached. A 12-year-old boy walked by, heard him crying, and bravely picked him up, shielding him from the rain. The young man could have turned and walked away, leaving the baby to be found by “someone more qualified.” But instead, he saw the worth of that little baby and called the authorities.
The baby spent a week in the hospital recovering, and now he has come to live with us.
His paperwork listed his name as “unknown,” but he is far from unknown. He is seen and loved, by us and by God.

Hop on for Hope
The cost of caring for orphans and vulnerable children here in Guatemala is lower than it would be in America, but it does still require significant resources on an annual basis to meet the needs.
So on August 3, 127 friends from around the country gathered in Leroy, Illinois, to support the children and the ministry here in Guatemala. Participates chose a 10-, 25-,35-, or 50-mile bike ride, or a 2-mile mile walk or run. Some biked, some walked, some rode scooters or pushed strollers. It was our 8th annual Hop on for Hope Bike Ride.
Our hearts are full of gratitude for each rider, and for each person who generously contributed their time, money, or baked goods to support the day. Participants raised over $14,000 to help build a trade school for our older children. This center will teach them important life skills for their future.

Would you pray for our children? Specifically, would you pray for healing and growth? There is nothing more important that you can do for our kids. God is the only One Who can bring true healing and hope, and we continue to see His hand in such beautiful ways in the lives of these precious kids. Additionally, please pray for:
- new children who have recently joined us
- children who have recently been reunited with family
- the completion of a new training center in September
- the completion of a new dorm in September
Thank you for giving and praying. You are an important part of this ministry!
Reach a child in need in Guatemala.