Education: A Path out of Poverty
In Zambia, nearly 60% of children live in poor households, and 45% live in extreme poverty.
So the needs of the country—and specifically the children—are great. Most children lack adequate access to nutrition, water, housing, and education. In fact, according to Trading Economics, less than 17% of the population has completed primary school, and only 3.98% have received any post-secondary-school education or training for employment.
But as Eric shares in this video, because people like you pray and give to support our kids in Zambia, students—like him—can receive vocational training—after completing secondary education—that ultimately provides hope and a future.
Take a look—
Why education matters
At Lifesong, we take seriously our responsibility to give our students a good education. In fact—by God’s grace—Lifesong Secondary School in Zambia finished in the top 6% out of 300 schools in the Copperbelt Province.
And we take our vocational training just as seriously. In keeping with our commitment to prepare our children for adulthood, we offer a vocational school for students like Eric who graduate from secondary school and want training for future employment.
Highly qualified teachers instruct in the areas of agriculture, auto mechanics/engineering, and hospitality/food production. There are three students enrolled in the auto mechanics program, where they hope to earn a lead mechanic certificate. Many students participate in other areas of the program.
This vocational training is incredibly valuable to youth in Zambia. Not only does it equip them with useful skills, but it connects them to potential employers, giving them bright hope for their futures.
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Breaking the poverty cycle
Eric is a recent graduate of Lifesong School in Zambia. He is now studying auto mechanics at our vocational school. Like many families in Zambia, Eric’s family was unable to send him to school. And without an education, Eric has no idea where he’d be today or what he’d be doing. Statistics suggest he likely would have quit school by Grade 7. Only 67.5% of students who complete Grade 7 advance to secondary school.
Because Zambia has very little money to put toward education, rural communities especially struggle to educate their own. Which means children born into poverty can’t afford to go to school, making them unqualified for good jobs. And then they often can’t afford to send their children to school, and the cycle continues.
Many children crave an education that will prepare them for the future, but if their parents can’t afford a uniform or exercise book, they can’t attend.
But because Lifesong School is funded by people like you who care about kids like Eric, he was able to come to Lifesong School and study from the time he was a little boy. And even more profound is the fact that he has finished secondary school and is now attending vocational school.
Best of all, in his words—
“Lifesong has done a lot in my life. I came to know Jesus Christ through Lifesong School.”

We believe education is more than taking a class or learning a skillset.
Providing quality education is one of the most effective ways to empower orphans and vulnerable children.
Through several ministry outlets—including a school, Student Life program, community outreach, and sustainable business—we seek to reach children in poverty-stricken communities like Kitwe where they are often left to fend for themselves and eventually end up dropping out of school.
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Your part in Eric’s story
You can empower students in Zambia.
In Eric’s words—
I would love for people to pray for me and my friends that God would continue to guide us in everything that we do. And that He would give us zeal to continue learning.
In the words of Fanwell Nshimbami, Lifesong Vocational School Director—
“Many of them didn’t have any hope of achieving anything in life. But with the coming of this vocational training center, the kind of courses that they’re doing, we see God’s hand. They are self-motivated now. And they can look to the future with hope.”
Whether you pray for the students or you give to support their education, you can empower students in Zambia.
Together, let’s reach more students in Zambia for the glory of God.
Empower students in Zambia.