7 Powerful Quotes from CAFO2019
CAFO2019 Summit just ended in Louisville, KY.
Over 2000 people from 100 nations gathered in 1 place for 1 reason: to glorify God by learning better how to love and reach children and families in need. And whether or not you were able to attend, we want you to have some of the best takeaways.
Here are 7 quotes for your encouragement —
1. If you want to follow Jesus near to the world’s hurt, He will always lead you to places of intersection where beauty and brokenness meet. —Jedd Medefind
2. A Christian’s home is a hospital, not a castle —Krish Kandiah.

3. Your weakness is the very thing that qualifies you for the power of God. —Kondo Simfukwe
4. People who care for children in need don’t do it because they think they can fix everything—they do it because Jesus did it for them. —Jedd Medefind
5. We’re on a rescue mission. Why not just call it ‘orphan care’? Because ‘rescue mission’ adds urgency. It’s their time, not ours. They need Jesus. —Tim Tebow

6. There is no event in my life I would be better without. —Stephanie Fast
(Stephanie was abandoned by her birth mother at age 4. She lived on the streets for 3 years and was dying in a garbage dump when she was rescued and taken to an orphanage. She met Jesus there and was soon adopted by loving parents.)
7. To gaze upon the beauty of God is to gaze upon the face of our neighbor. It is to gaze on that one, especially, with whom we have the greatest difference. To gaze on the beauty of the Lord eventually leads to justice. —Curt Thompson
*Photos courtesy of Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO)