Their Church’s Support & a Debt-Free Adoption

We believe the Church is the solution to orphans’ needs.

So when a family in a local church body adopts, it not only demands prayer and sacrifice from that family but from their church, as well. With a little encouragement from a Lifesong matching grant, Joseph and Jessica’s church impacted their adoption in a big way.

In Jessica’s words–

We were about a year into our adoption waiting period.

Around then, we applied and received approval for a Lifesong matching grant. The matching grant meant our church could play a more active role in our adoption journey–we were so grateful and excited for that. We received an amazing amount of support from both Lifesong and our church.



The waiting was difficult, but one Saturday we received a call from our adoption agency.  The woman on the phone said there was a baby just for us! She asked if we could fly to Oahu to get her right away. We became parents in just a few short hours. And because of the support we received from Lifesong and our church, we were able to make that quick transition from waiting to parents. We had to have $18,000 in just a few short hours, and we were only able to do so with the support of Lifesong, our church, and our family.

The matching grant from Lifesong allowed for our church family to be part of Anuhea’s adoption in a very special way. Without the matching grant, I don’t think our church would have been as much of a part of the adoption as it was, robbing both them and us of that blessing.

From the very beginning, God had everything planned out in his perfect timing. He allowed us to adoption Anuhea debt free and during a summer where we could both be home with her during her first few months. He knew exactly what time would be best, and we have learned to trust in His timing.


Joseph and Jessica’s church displayed love and support which played a key role in their adoption. Does your church family have a similar heart for adoption and orphan care? We help churches like yours work to support adopting families and to reach orphans globally.