See What God Is Doing in Ukraine!
Thank you for giving and praying for orphaned and vulnerable kids around the world. Here’s an exciting update in photos from our team in Ukraine–
2019 Medical Clinic
Our yearly medical clinic continues to grow better year after year! Recently, the 2019 Medical clinic for Sach orphanage kids and staff was our 11th clinic. Not only did it meet many physical needs, but even more importantly, spiritual.
Our kids and staff shared life lessons, studied the Bible, did crafts, played sports, and accomplished much more.

Our kids had fun, our staff was encouraged, and we all witnessed the love of Christ through His faithful servants. Likewise, your dedication of time, prayer, and energy invested into our kids and staff is priceless.

Annual Youth Retreat.
Another highlight we’ve enjoyed this year was our yearly youth retreat.
It has become one of our favorite yearly traditions to host a retreat for 60-70 of our key youth volunteers from local churches who invest their time, energy, and resources into the lives of the children we serve.
Recently, we spent a day with this group of volunteers—comprised of young people from local churches.
And we deeply appreciate each one.

We had a good day discussing different topics, including motivation in ministry, holistic approaches to orphan care, and why we do what we do.


We are filled with joy that we get to be a part of a ministry that fulfills God’s plan—not only into our lives—but also into lives of orphans and vulnerable people around us! When times are difficult, we stay encouraged, because God works in us and make us stronger. But we need your help and prayer support!
We are thankful for each person—including you—who prays, serves, and supports orphans and vulnerable children here in Ukraine.
Would you pray with us, specifically for—
- our coming camp season. We plan to have at least 7 big VBS programs this summer, and there is much to do to prepare.
- our coming farm season. The amount of work and the number of workers are growing every day. Please pray with us for a successful farm season.
- every child and young adult we serve to learn the love of Christ and choose to trust Him in return.
Thank you for supporting this life-changing ministry with your prayer and your gifts.