See What God Is Doing in Uganda

People like you help support 8,362 children in 13 countries, including Uganda.

Since this is our first Uganda country update here on the blog, we want to share a little bit with you about this country we love.

Uganda is no stranger to strife. During the past 50 years, the country has endured a handful of deep political and social conflicts. And as is often the case during difficult times, the children have felt—and continue to feel—the blunt force of the country’s unrest. In addition to enduring sexual and physical abuse, as many as 33% of girls in Uganda are married by age 15, making child marriage and pregnancy far too common.

We believe God calls us to care for orphans and those who cannot care for themselves.

Ministry Overview

Together with your prayer and support, we work with ministry partners and local leaders to end generational poverty through the Gospel and the love of Christ. We want abandoned and orphaned children in Uganda to grow up knowing they are loved and wanted. Specifically, we want every child to know there is never a day they weren’t loved by us and—more importantly—by our Heavenly Father.

The children we serve receive education, discipleship, and medical care. And 80 children have their daily needs met in the context of a loving, Christian home environment.

New Baby Home

Our team in Mbira have been hard at work completing construction on a brand new baby home. They have received the necessary permissions from local government, and the baby home is now ready. The cribs are set, the paperwork is filed, and approval has been granted. And now we wait for the final inspection.

As much as the team is ready for the baby home to open so we can welcome children in need, we recognize God’s perfect timing. This season has been filled with forming relationships in the community, sharing the love of Christ, and learning as much as possible.

Prayer Requests

Would you join us in praying for—


The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. 

Lamentations 3:25


You can change the life of a child in Uganda today.