An Impact that Outlasts an Internship

These days, internships seem nearly essential.
But depending on where they end up, an intern’s role can look very different: from being the designated coffee runner to mindlessly plugging numbers into a spreadsheet.
This isn’t one of those internships. At Lifesong, we believe that you can make an impact that lasts longer than an internship–like Gabi did.
As a recent college graduate, in June of 2017, Gabi spent two weeks as a Lifesong intern in Bercy, Haiti. We had the chance to chat with her as she reflected on her experience.
Here’s what she shared–
Q: What motivated you to pursue an internship with Lifesong?
A: My friend and I promised each other we would take a trip together when we graduated college. We knew we wanted to serve somewhere, so a friend of mine suggested Lifesong to me.
Q: What was your role in Haiti?
A: We helped plant trees and crops on the Bercy property, painted homes in the Bercy village, and were involved in many activities in the community. We frequently went to the village to play with the kids, organized soccer games on the Bercy campus, hosted a movie night, and helped with the feeding program.
We also had the opportunity to go on many walks through the neighboring village. During the walks, we got to hear families’ stories, experiences, and needs. It was amazing to sit and listen to them. Afterward, we had the chance to pray with these families. I often think I know what someone needs, but it’s not until I take the time to sit and listen that I really begin to understand. It was an incredible way to build community and relationships. I wish I could have stayed longer!

Q: How did this experience compare to any expectations you had?
A: This internship exceeded my expectations. Mike and Amy (Lifesong Haiti directors) are incredible, strong people built on faith in the Lord. They are extremely passionate about teaching, educating, and understanding what the community needs. Their ministry is long-term and serves Haitians by pointing them to Christ. They’re set on building relationships, creating opportunity, and caring for the people of Haiti.
Q: What were some of the biggest takeaways or memorable moments from your internship?
A: Teaching skills and creating jobs that are sustainable and fit within the context of the culture is so, so important. It was absolutely beautiful to see the growth in Bercy and to see families flourishing. I loved playing with the kids and getting to talk to them in Creole/teaching them English. I always looked forward to getting to visit them! Just spending time with the team each night reading and sharing from the day was also a highlight.
Q: Do you have any advice for people considering an internship with Lifesong?
A: If you’re on the fence, just go! This trip completely opened my eyes to opportunities to make lasting impacts. Lifesong is built on a strong foundation, and they understand the community they work with. It’s beautiful to be a part of it.
The goal of a Lifesong internship is not to change a whole country in the weeks or months while serving. The goal is to invest in long-term relationships–with the community and with the ministry. We’re so thankful for every intern who chooses to use their skillset to grow in their faith and make an impact for orphans around the world.