New Update from Liberia!
We are excited to share an update from Liberia. Here is what your giving and praying are doing for orphaned and vulnerable children today—
14 of our older boys are now part of the new Lifesong Vocational Training Program, which is a hands-on, general construction project. They are learning new skills—including brick making, brick laying, concrete mixing, concrete casting, measurement, cutting, and roofing. These young men are being trained by two engineers who held classes for them every day during the summer school break. Now they are meeting twice weekly since school has resumed.
This training is much more than meets the eye. Not only are these boys learning new, employable skills, but they are being mentored, loved, and encouraged to take active steps toward building a future that will break the poverty cycle.
Their hard work and learning has already allowed them to successfully construct an annex to the Lifesong Christian School building on our Marshall campus, including eight new classrooms. This building will house additional classes, a library, and several offices for the school.

These young men now have hands-on experience which, Lord-willing, will also directly benefit fellow students in school for generations to come.
The group built a Cross at the entrance of the property. They will be building another office at the back of our church building. This training has given them invaluable experience in construction skills. It has also taught them much about the value of hard work. They are doing a great job, and we are proud of their achievement!

Join Us in Praying?
- Pray that some of these young men will find careers in construction as a direct result of this training.
- Pray that God would bless these efforts and that students will take full advantage of the opportunity to learn many practical life skills.
We can’t wait to see what God does for these students now and in the future! Thank you for your investment in their lives.
Over the past several years, our vocational training classes have included textile design, interior decorating, baking, hair care/ cosmetology, music, personal hygiene, and computer skills. Ongoing programs include baking and catering, as well as gardening. We remain grateful to Retail/ROI for providing funding for this experiential training for our precious students.
Take the love of Christ to children in Liberia.