Can Child Sponsorship Really Make a Difference?
“Change this child’s life for $1/day!” Have you heard this mantra before and been skeptical? Can so little be beneficial?
Joseph is a 16-year-old boy in our sponsorship program in Thailand, and he would answer a resounding, “YES!”
“Since being in the sponsorship program through Lifesong for the past four years, my life has gotten better in many ways. In addition to hearing the Gospel and learning about Jesus, I also have had the opportunity to learn and gain new skills, such as speaking English, playing guitar, gardening, and cooking.”
—Joseph, 16, Thailand
Our team members met Joseph four years ago during an outreach event. Since that day, his life has significantly changed. Most importantly, Joseph has come to know Jesus, which has resulted in his parents professing faith in Christ as well!
Not only that, but Joseph is thriving academically and physically. Because of generous sponsors, he receives three full meals every day, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein, as well as daily vitamins. He has learned to play both the drums and the guitar and is now a worship leader in the church. Joseph’s eagerness to learn and his diligence in studying has resulted in him becoming fluent in the Thai language. Currently, he serves as the primary translator during evening worship services held for Cambodian workers. With the new computer education software available to him, Joseph’s English skills are also continuing to improve.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Because we are privileged to work with a variety of orphan care ministries around the world, the Lifesong Child Sponsorship Program varies by country. For example, we have a presence in Cambodia and Thailand with learning centers near construction sites with migrant workers. In Bolivia, we serve with an orphanage. While in Zambia, we have started a school (and celebrated our first graduating class this past year!)
Regardless of which child around the world you choose to sponsor, know that our administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your received donation goes to benefit your child.
Visit our website to see profiles of children in need of sponsors, or our FAQ page to learn more. Feel free to contact with any additional questions!