Guatemala Update
We are thankful to share this update from our ministry partners at Village of Hope Guatemala.
We want to take this space and thank our amazing beautiful teams and church partners. This season has been one that has been full to overflowing with our church partners blessing the ministry of Village of Hope Guatemala and showing our precious children how loved and valued they are to the Church. That’s the beautiful thing about the gospel and redemption- it spans countries, cultures, and languages. Thank you to every team member who has come and served your hearts out- you have blessed this ministry and the impact is eternal!
We want YOU to rejoice with us in our beautiful new Mother-Child Unit….we wouldn’t be able to share these beautiful pictures with you or share that our young mamas and babies are loving their beautiful spacious home, without you and your giving and helping to create such a special space. Our girls get to learn to be a mommy for the first time and keep their babies with them under the supervision of staff and nannies who are on call to help and guide.
This new home represents everything redemptive and hope-filled for our girls who now have their own babies, even as they themselves are little girls who came to us and came to motherhood through severe abuse. We cannot wait to see the full healing that will take place in this beautiful home with each life! Stay tuned because we will be sharing stories with you as you continue to join us in loving on our girls and their babies!

One of our sweet girls came to us so broken and such an unbelievable gift to the world…she just didn’t know it yet. She was 13 years old and newly pregnant when we first met her. Because of how young she is, we had medical supervision over her entire pregnancy and walked with her in therapy to begin her road to healing. Like our other teen moms, because of her young age, she needed her baby delivered via c-section. Thankfully the surgery went beautifully and her baby boy was born and placed in her arms—prayerfully to stay forever. Our new baby boy is thriving and his mama is learning to take care of him and what a joy it was to welcome them both to their new home in the Mother-Child Unit!
The savory smell filled the air and her smile lit up the room. I walked into the kitchen to find Elenita standing over the stove stirring the large pot. There was something in her eyes like I had never seen before. Satisfaction. Confidence. Hope. Joy.
Elenita was only 13 years old when she arrived at Village of Hope Guatemala with her infant son and two sisters in tow. Over the course of time, she began to heal and grow in her relationship with the Lord. She began to dream and feel alive once again. Over and over she would express her love for cooking and dream of one day becoming a chef.
One of the sweetest, most encouraging things that Jesus said to his followers is recorded in Luke 12:32: “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” When God puts a desire in our hearts, He paves the way… almost always through His people.
In 2003, Jennifer Holloway brought home 11-month-old Kat from Guatemala. Her love for the country grew through the adoption of her beautiful daughter. Jennifer and Kat sponsored Elenita at Village of Hope Guatemala and wanted to partner even more to make sure she had the opportunity for a thriving future. Through their generosity, they are helping Elenita accomplish her dream of going to Chef school. This past summer Jennifer, Kat, and another adoptive family came to Guatemala and visited Village of Hope and Elenita. This kind of relationship changes lives and is what the Kingdom of God is all about.
The cross of Jesus Christ stands as a beacon of hope in this broken world. Life, hope, redemption, and change indeed are possible when we look around us, see the need and act.
We here at Village of Hope are so grateful for our partners and the daily HOPE they give to God’s beautiful children.
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