A Daughter of the One True King

I am His princess. Valued. Chosen. And Special!


I’ve known this my whole life. I’ve had the privilege of growing up in a family and a culture that values women. Now I know there is discrimination, sexism, and #metoo awfulness everywhere. But in general, women are valued. Doors are opened for them, knees are knelt for them, heavy items are carried for them, men stand for them when they enter a room and will give their seats up for them, and on and on.

I grew up feeling special because I was a female. I wasn’t treated as a subordinate because of my gender but was given the same opportunities as anyone else.

But that’s not the case everywhere. Many girls grow up in cultures where they are needed at home to work, cook and clean at a very young age, where education is not an option. Often they are responsible for caring for younger siblings even though they are just children themselves. They spend their time cooking, cleaning, and fetching water day after day all because they were born female.

I can only imagine the conflict within, as they struggle to understand their place in God’s Kingdom.

And the struggle gets deeper. In Zambia, for instance, only 2% of girls ever graduate high school. There is a higher chance of a teenage girl becoming pregnant than graduating. Sexual abuse and beatings for minor offenses are common and accepted by the culture. Can you imagine how they might struggle to understand God’s love in their lives?

I had the privilege to see, firsthand, the impact an amazing group of women had on 64 teenage girls who attend Lifesong School in Zambia. Many of these ladies, who visited before, had a desire to share how God see these young girls. A plan was hatched, schedules were organized, money was raised and prayers prepared the way. And God showed up big. I mean BIG!


Daughters of the King Retreat Group Photo


Ten women, along with two high school girls, left their families, schedules, and the comforts of home to minister to these girls in a wonderful way. After a day of teaching by Pastor Tony Evans and his daughter, Chrystal Hurst, on what it means to be the daughter of the one true King, our team members shared the truth and hope of the Gospel, spent quality time playing games, and listened to comments like…

“I am finding answers to questions I have always had.”

“I have never heard a black man say these things about a woman before.”

“Can you please get this material to our pastor so we can watch it again?”

“Where can we find more teaching like this?”

“I have never seen a black woman preach like this.”

These are just a few of the comments that resonated throughout the campground all weekend. And it happened because 10 women said yes to God’s leading. These girls saw, heard, and experienced how God loves them, and how His plan includes them. They learned that God’s love surpasses every cultural norm and because it does, these girls can be chain breakers in their communities. They learned God wants to be their Father and they are princesses in His Kingdom.


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Daughters of the King Retreat


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Daughters of the King Retreat

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Daughters of the King Retreat



We continue to pray these precious princesses will learn more about their heavenly Father and will place their trust wholly in Him. Many girls asked for prayer for the difficult things they were facing, things we have faced ourselves, and things we couldn’t ever imagine going through. We are not done loving these girls and are looking forward see how God will use them to show others their value in His Kingdom.


Daughters of the King Retreat Group Photo 2


What has God drawn your heart to? Have you said yes? Or are you afraid you just aren’t qualified? Let me encourage you that if God is drawing your heart to something, He is pleading with you to say yes. And when you say yes…get ready…because He will show up!

Just as God’s not done with you and me, we know God is not done with his girls. Why? Because today is their miracle day and they are God’s girls, His princesses!


Sandy Spengler serves as Regional Director for Lifesong in the Texas and Oklahoma area. She and her husband served as missionaries with Lifesong Zambia and continue to advocate for the children and people there.