Camps, New Life, and an Unexpected Blessing | Ukraine Update
This summer our Ukraine ministry team and volunteers are busy with summer camps, VBS and job skills programs.
Each week our Ukraine team hosts over 100 kids from orphanages they volunteer in throughout the year. These camps are a great way to bring joy to these kids and build meaningful relationships.
We are also happy to announce that Shauna’s House, a transition home in Chernigov, is already serving our kids and the team at full-speed. It opened doors for graduates less than a month ago, and we already see what a blessing it is. There is still a good chunk of work ahead, but we are happy to see it being used.

This past academic year was a tough one for our team and the kids we serve. The government adopted stricter rules, suspending the removal of kids from crisis families even if children are at risk. Regardless, such “social orphans” still remain living in the orphanages regardless. This is a challenging group to work with–since they have a parent but feel abandoned. However, we are continuing to meet with and mentor these kids, planting seeds that we hope will someday bear fruit.
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Last Sunday, Ira a 15-year-old girl, accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. For many of us, it was an unexpected and a joy-filled moment. God showed His glory through this young lady and encouraged us to be faithful as He does His work in these young souls. Such stories among many other things inspire us to do even more for our kids–for His Kingdom.
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New Life Program
Last month, a team traveled from the US to Ukraine as part of a vision trip. One of the beautiful blessings they experienced was the growth of a new ministry. The New Life Program is the result of Natasha’s vision, a ministry team member, and orphanage graduate, who saw the need facing many of her friends and other young women as they graduate from the orphanage system. Thousands of vulnerable young women, many with children, are trapped in a cycle of hopelessness, without anyone to love, protect, or care for them. Today over 100 young women are being served and discipled. Your gift ensures that these women and children will continue being nurtured in a safe, loving environment.
“I know what it is like to be an orphan as I went through the system and understand the void they have. God has been preparing me since my time in the orphanage … forming my heart for this calling.” NatashaNew Life Program Founder
Will you join us in prayer this month?
- Recently we had our first big camp for kids from Sakh orphanage with a team from Atlanta, Georgia.
- Another recent camp was for children from foster and adoptive families. We work hard to leave some solid thoughts for these kids and our prayer for them is they realize it’s much better to live with God.
- All our team members, both ministry and Lifesong Farms staff… The team is solid and pursues the primary goal–bringing kids closer to God.
- Praise for the rich harvest, God has been blessing us with on both of our Lifesong Farms.
- Pray for all the graduates we are working with. Many of them have significant problems they can’t fix by themselves. For God’s leading of our initiatives of transition programs and New Life ministry through which they can receive help.
- Also pray for more camps, we will have this summer. For God’s strength and wisdom for the team and for kids’ willingness to hear the Gospel.
Want to find additional ways to reach orphans in Ukraine?