A Zambian Adoption Story

Your support helps change the lives of orphans around the world. Whether through adoption funding or orphan care, lives are being transformed by the Gospel. Here is one family’s story.
Meet Pastor Maron and his wife, Precious.
Pastor Maron is the campus pastor and the Discipleship Director for Lifesong School Garneton in Zambia. Never without a smile, his warm, friendly demeanor makes him a well-loved friend and mentor to the students, giving him many opportunities to speak truth into their lives.
His favorite verse?–“He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). And perhaps this verse was never displayed so clearly in his life as when he and his wife, Precious, decided to do something culturally uncommon for Zambia. Just over a year ago, they decided to adopt a little boy who had been abandoned on the streets near their home.
Zambian adopting is not a common thing. They know about it, but they do not do it. –Precious Chomba
There are arguably many reasons for the low adoption rates in the country. Ongoing challenges in Zambia include rural poverty and high unemployment. But in a country where teen pregnancy and young marriage is common, it is important that the Church be ready to step in and help children and families who need it.
Pastor Maron and Precious recognized this and decided to act. When orphanage workers in town told them that Daniel needed a family, they knew God was calling them to adopt.
Their decision to love and accept Daniel as their own son has already made a deep impact on friends and fellow church members in their community. They’ve seen people who were once opposed to the idea of adoption change their minds and see it as a gift of God’s grace in their lives and in the lives of children in need. And they are praying this is only the beginning of what God will do.
The Chomba family represents a growing number of Christian families around the world who are sensing and obeying God’s leading to adopt–proving adoption isn’t “an American thing”–it’s a Christian thing.
Adoption and Lifesong
Encouraging families around the world to consider adoption is a big component of ministry at Lifesong. Why?–because the Gospel compels us to do for others what God has done for us. In the context of Christian adoption, we are able to take the Gospel to a hurting child, and in the process we learn again how much we need a Heavenly Father to whom we can cry, “Abba, Father!”
But none of this is possible without people like you taking a deep and vested interest in making orphans sons and daughters.
In short, we do it because He must increase and we must decrease (John 3:30).
Thank you for cheering on brothers and sisters around the world who are taking up the cause of the fatherless. And thank you for helping Christian families here in the U.S. overcome financial barriers with matching grants and simple fundraising solutions.