Big News in Zambia!

Today we are celebrating God’s goodness to our graduates in Zambia!

We are excited to share with you that our newly graduated seniors just received word that 100% passed their grade 12 exams, administered by the official Examinations Council of Zambia. In a province where only 75% of all students passed this year, we praise God for this incredible accomplishment. This is the direct result of our students’ hard work and our teachers’ faithful effort. And it is because of the daily prayers of people around the world.

Today, in Zambia, only approximately 37% of students even attend secondary school. And of those 37% who begin, only 8% complete it. Yet God is using faithful supporters of Lifesong Zambia to raise up generations of students who will finish the task and serve Him with their lives.

Our hope … is that we continue living out our mission of bringing joy and purpose to orphans and vulnerable children by discipling future leaders of Zambia through Biblical truth and educational excellence. — Skip Stallings, Lifesong Zambia staff

Thank you for your commitment to take these dear students and staff members before the Throne of Grace. We pray BIG things for these graduates and thank you for being part of their story!

Be part of the work in Zambia.

