How to Teach Your Kids to Care for the Fatherless
If we truly believe everybody can do something to care for orphans, this means even our children have something to contribute.
But, like most important life lessons, our kids must be taught that caring for the fatherless is an important task and that they have an important role. Here are 3 ways we can teach our sons and daughters to care about orphans and vulnerable children–
1. Study the Bible together.
The most powerful words on the subject of caring for people in need are God’s words. It is always most impactful to allow God’s Word to speak for itself. So we should take our children to the Bible–together–to see what it has to say about the fatherless and our responsibility to care for the poor and needy among us. Here are 5 places to start: Psalm 140:12, Proverbs 14:31, Isaiah 1:17, Proverbs 19:17, Jeremiah 5:28.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. –James 1:27
2. Teach by example.
Children are first-rate imitators. They learn the most about what we believe by watching what we do even more than listening to what we say we do. So if we want them to love and care for the world’s most vulnerable, we ourselves must love and care for the world’s most vulnerable. Thankfully, there are a million ways to do this. Pray for them. Speak about them in a way that is loving and respectful. Give to meet their needs. Reach out to vulnerable children and families in your church or community. When opportunities arise to give gifts at Christmas or to raise funds for projects, make it a family initiative.
Our kids pick up on what is important to us. If we are not praying for orphans and vulnerable children, our kids won’t be either. Ask God to break your heart and the hearts of your children for what breaks His. — Linsy Wallace, orphan care ministry leader, Antioch Church

3. Sponsor a child as a family.
As a family, choose a child (or two) who need to be sponsored and then commit to sponsorship as a family. Encourage your kids to host a lemonade stand or forgo certain “extras” as a family to send that money where it is needed. Pray for the sponsored child(ren) during times of family prayer. Post a photo of the child on the fridge. Care about the needs and details of the child to the degree that you are able.
“God has, through Lifesong, really changed my life. I just want to say ‘Thank you’ to my sponsor for that.” —Davison, 10th grade student at
Lifesong School in Kitwe, Zambia
See kids who still need to be sponsored.
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