Yolanda Learns to Read in Guatemala: A Delightful Transformation

Though tempted to give up,

Yolanda* was determined to help her baby sister have a better life. She came to our team in Guatemala at the age of 10 after spending most of her life enduring abuse. On our campus, the two sisters were given a safe place to stay and received Gospel-centered, holistic care, which helped them to heal.

During an initial evaluation, our team found out that Yolanda was unable to recognize letters or write her name. But, one rainy day, Yolanda found herself in the library during lunch, looking at the colorful pages of beautifully written books. Quietly, she asked the other girls to read them aloud.

That was when Yolanda decided she wanted to be able to read too.

She started making use of all the resources and classes available to her and slowly, she learned to read and write. A ministry leader shares—

“The day she read her first word, her teacher was moved to tears, delighted by her transformation.”

At Lifesong, we stand by a 4-part pledge to the children we serve. The third part of the pledge affirms our commitment to providing quality education to orphaned and vulnerable children to provide a foundation for their future. For Yolanda and her sister, this means providing classes and resources while also encouraging children and young mothers to keep learning, even when it’s hard.

“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living

“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living

Yolanda continues to learn and sets a good example for her baby sister.

As she conquers new subject matter, she is reminded that she is capable of overcoming challenges and can achieve anything she sets her mind to.

A ministry leader shares—

“So often in life, we forget the things we take for granted are not available to everyone. Yolanda reminds us to be grateful for every opportunity we are given—every meal we eat, the bed where we sleep, the vehicle that takes us where we need to go, and most importantly, the God who never leaves us or forsakes us.”

God promises to never leave or forsake Yolanda, and her sister too. He helps them, guides them, and provides the healing they need to learn and grow.

*Names have been changed to protect the identities of the children we serve.

Pray for Guatemala

  • Praise God that the babies we serve continue to grow and thrive.
  • Praise God for a successful cleft lip surgery for one of the babies we serve.
  • Pray for the children and staff to remain healthy.
  • Pray for the children as they go back to school.
  • Pray for endurance for adoptive parents who are waiting to adopt in Guatemala.

Join our prayer team to receive monthly prayer requests & praises from across our ministry.

Will you help orphaned and vulnerable children in Guatemala experience the hope of the Gospel?

When you give to Lifesong, you show orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen, known, and loved through Gospel-centered holistic care. Thanks to TMG Foundation, 100% of your gift goes directly to helping orphaned and vulnerable children.