Urgent Advocacy Opportunity

Waiting children in China need your voice.

So thank you for responding to this urgent advocacy opportunity.

Today, we come to you with an urgent request on behalf of nearly 300 children who continue to wait in orphanages across China—children who have families ready and waiting to bring them home.

With several newly elected officials in Washington, China adoptive families are making one final push for advocacy. We have a small but critical window to act. 

A bipartisan, bicameral letter to the President

is currently circulating in the U.S. Senate and House, urging action to complete pending China adoptions. This letter is co-led by the chairs of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption—Senators Cramer (R-ND) and Klobuchar (D-MN) and Representatives Aderholt (R-AL) and Davis (D-IL)—with additional support from Senator Grassley (R-IA).

The letter is open for additional signers through noon on March 14, and our goal is to generate the broadest possible support in this final advocacy push. 

So would you take a moment to contact your members of Congress and urge them to sign on? Every call, email, and message increases the chances that these waiting children will be united with their families.

How to Take Action:

  1. Find your legislators’ contact information:

    Senate: www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
    House: www.house.gov

  2. Use this script when calling or emailing:

Script for calling or emailing:

[SUBECT LINE] Urgent Constituent Request: Please Sign Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter to Trump on China Adoptions

Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a constituent from [YOUR CITY, STATE]. I am [CALLING/WRITING] to ask Senator/Representative [LAST NAME] to sign onto the bipartisan, bicameral letter led by Senators Cramer and Klobuchar and Representatives Aderholt and Davis. This letter urges President Trump to work with President Xi to allow nearly 300 waiting children—matched with U.S. families before the adoption program’s closure—to finally come home.

These children have already lost years of their lives in institutions. Many have urgent medical needs and desperately need the care and love of their adoptive families. This is not a political issue—it’s a humanitarian child welfare issue.

Please locate the letter in the Quil system as ‘Letter to POTUS re China Intercountry Adoption Program’ and sign before the noon, March 14 deadline. Thank you for standing for these children and families.

Together, let’s make sure these children are not forgotten.


Above all, thank you

for responding to this urgent advocacy opportunity.

These families, and more importantly, these precious children, are not forgotten. Let’s press on together and make one final push to bring them home.

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