Make This a Year of Healing with Post-Adoption Support
Adoptive families
face unique transitions, traumas, and needs that can feel overwhelming, especially in challenging seasons. If you or your loved ones find yourselves walking through a valley right now, know this:
You are not alone, and there is hope.
At Lifesong, our heart is to support your family with the post-adoption resources you need to move from simply surviving to truly thriving.
By God’s grace, even the hardest seasons can become opportunities for healing and restoration.
Seeing the Need
Since 2002, Lifesong has been blessed to assist over 10,000 families with adoption grants and loans to help bring their children home.
Each adoption is a miracle—a beautiful intersection of beauty and brokenness.
Whether walking alongside adoptive families or personally adopting children into our homes, our team has long been aware that every child who comes home via adoption does so with varying needs and losses that require purposeful healing. As children grow and reach different levels of maturity, the impacts of these needs and losses become more evident.
The great news?—Healing is possible.
Every adoptive family should have access to post-adoption support.

Lifesong offers Post-Adoption Support
We are committed to helping adoptive families—like yours—experience the healing that God intends.
Our Post-Adoption Care & Counseling Financial Assistance awards grants and loans to adoptive families, helping you access useful resources, like:
- Counseling (for your adopted child, siblings, or yourself)
- Training
- Trauma care, like EMDR therapy
- Neurofeedback or other interventions
Read a little about the application process and download the application here.
Christ will resurrect your story.
Healing is possible because Jesus says it is.
God is the Great Physician, the One Who sees our deepest wounds and offers complete healing. Psalm 147:3 reminds us of this beautiful promise: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
God doesn’t rush past pain or dismiss struggles; instead, He tenderly restores what is broken.
Lifesong friend and adoption advocate Renaut van der Riet shared—
“Here’s what we need: The Gospel.
Jesus, in his journey to redeem us, took on the weightiness of our brokenness. He died on the cross and rose from the dead. When we choose to participate in the work of redemption by making adoption part of our story, we are choosing to take on the weightiness of the trauma our kids bring home. We may feel like we are dying too.
But we must remember that Christ—and Christ alone—will resurrect our story.“
We would love to be part of your journey through post-adoption support as God brings true, Gospel-centered healing to your child and your family.