A Christmas Adoption Story: How Naomi Found Love and Purpose

Naomi arrived in the U.S. for the first time on Christmas Day 2009.
As a little girl growing up in an orphanage in Ethiopia, Naomi promised God that if He gave her a family, she would serve Him with her whole life. But she never could have imagined a Christmas adoption. In her words—
“All I asked for was a family to want me, and to belong somewhere safe.”
At age five, Naomi was matched with a loving family.
Here at Lifesong, we were honored to support Naomi’s family with an adoption matching grant.
So she was adopted along with her little brother and her best friend. The three of them had lived together and formed deep attachments with each other in the orphanage. Then together they shared their Christmas adoption.

Naomi still remembers being welcomed at the airport by friends and family and how her new siblings ran up to greet her with hugs and shouts of joy.
“Their excitement made me feel like I belonged in this family. We do.”
In time, she and her six siblings would bond over games, music, and their shared faith. So they would grow up together as a tight-knit group in a family that would openly teach them about God’s great love and good plan for each of their lives.
And then Naomi chose to give back.
Watch this one-minute video to see Naomi’s incredible story—
Growing up, I realized that the answer to the prayer I prayed years ago involved so many people along the way. So that’s why I chose to give to Lifesong—to continue supporting the organization that helped me in my need.
Above all, it took a good God with a good plan. But then it took a community of people each doing their part to make sure Naomi’s prayer was answered, including:
A family willing to open their hearts and home.
Advocates, social workers, and caregivers willing to press through the legal and logistical challenges.
And finally, it took givers like you who were willing to make it financially possible.
So God did give Naomi her Christmas adoption and the family she prayed for. And now, true to her word, Naomi loves God and is serving Him wholeheartedly.
This Christmas, you can reach orphaned & vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
It only takes one caring person to help one child in need. By partnering with Lifesong, you reach orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
Now through December 31, 2024, your unrestricted gift to Lifesong’s Where Most Needed is matched up to $2,500,000—meaning your impact goes twice as far!
Gifts that will be matched include gifts from any new giver, a gift by someone who has not given to Lifesong since 2022, or a net increased gift amount since last year.
100% of your gift to Lifesong directly helps children in need. TMG Foundation and key partners cover our fundraising and administrative costs, so your entire gift goes where you want it to go.