Post-Adoption Support: Where Love and Healing Meet
Adoption is a profound act of love,
But what happens after the papers are signed and the celebration fades into the rhythm of everyday life?
This is when a new journey begins—a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to the lifelong process of building trust and healing hearts.
The post-adoption journey is just as important as the adoption process itself. Yet it is easily overlooked. It can be a long journey that invites us to dig deeper, love harder, and grow in ways we never imagined.

Post-adoption work is important work—it’s the process of learning how to nurture, heal, and grow together as a family. Unfortunately, love alone isn’t always enough to smooth over the challenges that arise in the years ahead.
Pastor, adoptive father, and friend of Lifesong, Renaut van der Riet, describes it like this—
“Even if your adoption experience doesn’t unfold violently, it will always involve trauma. There is no version of adoption that doesn’t involve trauma. At some point, the trauma your adoptive child or children have experienced is going to manifest. When it does, it will affect everyone in the family, because the good news—and the terrible news, too—is that you are all in this together.”
Challenges are not a sign of failure.
It’s important to understand that post-adoption challenges are not a sign of failure, but are part of the process. Trauma has a way of reappearing in unexpected ways—through behaviors, emotions, and reactions that may seem disproportionate to the situation.
Rather than viewing these moments as setbacks, we should see them as opportunities to grow together. It’s about meeting your child where they are, over and over again, and trusting that love, patience, and the right resources can make a difference.

You are not alone.
First, the God Who called you to adopt sees you. In the quiet moments, in the chaos, in the joy, and in the struggle—He is there, offering His peace in the middle of it all.
Second, the Church is God’s choice to support you. It is God’s desire that the Church be your main means of healing and support. Within the Body of Christ, we hold each other up, offering our hands and hearts in times of need. Through prayer, encouragement, and acts of service, we create an environment where hope can grow and healing can happen.
“We must remember that Christ—and Christ alone—will resurrect our story, often through the community around us. Surround yourself with a good counselor and good friends who understand adoptive trauma and are willing to preach the Gospel to you, to shout Jesus to you, like it is going to save your life. It will.”
Renaut van der Riet
Third, Lifesong wants to walk with you. We believe every child deserves the love of a family. And our goal is for children and families to thrive, which means post-adoption care is important.
Post-adoption care is available.
At Lifesong, we designed our grants for post-adoption care and counseling with you in mind. We want to help your family walk through difficult, tender places together. Whether you choose to pursue counseling for your (adopted) child, siblings or even for yourself, we want you to feel supported as you navigate the complexities of life after adoption.
We also understand that the healing process takes many forms. Sometimes, it looks like specialized trauma care—EMDR therapy, neurofeedback, or other interventions that help calm the mind and heal the heart.
Sometimes, post-adoption support looks like training that equips you to care for your child with the tools they need to thrive.
The road may be long and uncertain, but we are committed to walking beside you every step of the way. Whether you’re seeking professional counseling, trauma-informed resources, or simply a listening ear from someone who understands, we’re here to help.

There is hope.
There is always hope.
As adoptive parents, it’s natural to wonder if you’re equipped for the task at hand, especially when the weight of trauma surfaces in unexpected ways. But you are not alone in this. God, in His infinite wisdom, placed this specific child in your family, knowing full well the strength He would provide you for this journey.
If you’re feeling the strain today, take heart knowing that the story is not over. The papers may be signed, but the greater story of healing, redemption, and growth is still unfolding.
Lean into the resources available—Christian counselors, trusted friends, and support networks—that understand your family’s unique needs. Draw closer to your church family, where Christ’s love is demonstrated in tangible ways. And—
Apply for post-adoption support today.
By God’s grace and through the generous support of faithful givers, we’ve been able to provide over 500 post-adoption grants and support thousands of families through conferences in the past three years.
If you or another family would benefit from post-adoption support—we encourage you to reach out and explore the options available.
This journey is holy work. It is messy, beautiful, and worth every tear, prayer, and sleepless night.
Hope is alive. Healing is possible. And you are part of a bigger story—one marked by love, grace, and a future brighter than you can imagine.